Erstaunliches Gespräch mit Jack Farley über Makro, Krypto, Risikokapital und vieles mehr!

June 25, 2024    ·    52 min read

Mein Gespräch mit Jack Farley hat mir gut gefallen. Er hat es folgendermaßen zusammengefasst. Nachdem er die“Alles-Blase” im … „Erstaunliches Gespräch mit Jack Farley über Makro, Krypto, Risikokapital und vieles mehr!“ weiterlesen


Macroeconomic Update: I remain significantly more bearish than consensus!

October 5, 2023    ·  5 minutes

Of late recessionary talk has cooled off. Jerome Powell and the Fed are no longer expecting a recession. … „Macroeconomic Update: I remain significantly more bearish than consensus!“ weiterlesen


Der Winter kommt!

November 18, 2022    ·  10 minutes

Ich habe in letzter Zeit viel über Makroüberlegungen nachgedacht. Es gibt Zeiträume, in denen die Makroebene die Mikroebene … „Der Winter kommt!“ weiterlesen


Das große Unbekannte

March 11, 2022    ·  13 minutes

Vor einem Jahr habe ich in Welcome to the Everything Bubble argumentiert, dass eine beispiellose Kombination aus lockerer … „Das große Unbekannte“ weiterlesen


The Moaning 20s

April 20, 2021    ·  9 minutes

By Matias Barbero “No more …. masks. Everything open too. School opens this week — Thursday! Did you … „The Moaning 20s“ weiterlesen


Willkommen in der Everything Bubble!

February 9, 2021    ·  8 minutes

Die Warnzeichen der Marktmanie sind überall zu sehen. Die Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnisse sind hoch und steigen weiter. Bitcoin stieg innerhalb … „Willkommen in der Everything Bubble!“ weiterlesen


COVID-19 – 11 Fabrice Grinda – Survivre : le seul KPI du moment

April 24, 2020    ·  2 minutes

Discussion sympa avec Matthieu de Generation Do It Yourself sur COVID, l’economie, les startups Pour ce 11ème épisode … „COVID-19 – 11 Fabrice Grinda – Survivre : le seul KPI du moment“ weiterlesen


The global economy and its impact on startups in the time of COVID-19

March 20, 2020    ·  14 minutes

In February I suggested that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease it causes may be the black … „The global economy and its impact on startups in the time of COVID-19“ weiterlesen


COVID-19 may be the black swan that pushes the global economy into recession

February 24, 2020    ·  4 minutes

If there is one thing that businesses and individuals hate even more than bad news, it’s uncertainty. Even … „COVID-19 may be the black swan that pushes the global economy into recession“ weiterlesen


Interview in Les Echos (in French): Tech will make the World a Better Place

October 9, 2019    ·  5 minutes

Two weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting a salon dinner with members of French Founders prior … „Interview in Les Echos (in French): Tech will make the World a Better Place“ weiterlesen


We are lucky to be alive right now!

February 20, 2017    ·  < 1 minute

In these fraught political times, it’s good to take a step back from the day to day minutia. … „We are lucky to be alive right now!“ weiterlesen


Technology and the Future of Work

July 11, 2016    ·  5 minutes

Technological progress continues unabated. The astonishing rate of growth has fueled heated debates about implications on the future … „Technology and the Future of Work“ weiterlesen


Donald Trump: The Startup Disrupting the GOP Establishment

March 30, 2016    ·  3 minutes

by Fabrice Grinda and Mike Lloyd Many people have been amazed at the support that Donald Trump has … „Donald Trump: The Startup Disrupting the GOP Establishment“ weiterlesen


Macro perspective: The startup party is far from over!

December 2, 2015    ·  6 minutes

Hang around venture capitalists in Silicon Valley and a clear sense of fear pervades the air. The main … „Macro perspective: The startup party is far from over!“ weiterlesen

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