I just started the Master Cleanse!

I usually don’t follow faddy diets, especially since I don’t really need to lose weight and if I did eating less and exercising more would be the first thing I would try. That said after my good friend and fellow Internet entrepreneur and angel investor Stephan Paternot raved about it, I decided to try the Master Cleanse.

The Master Cleanse is also called the lemonade diet. Basically, you drink fresh lemon juice with maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water and that’s it. You start by easing yourself into it by eating only fresh fruits and soup for a day or two. You then forgo all food and liquids except for the lemonade and water for a week or two. You then you ease yourself out of it. You can find out the details at www.themastercleanse.org.

I am on day 2 of the diet and so far I don’t have much to report. I feel no different than usual – I have my usual good mood and high energy level. I do feel a bit hungry. Hopefully that will subside in a few days. I will keep you posted in the coming days on the progress!