Things to do in Buenos Aires and Argentina

Buenos Aires:
Hotel to stay at: Tailor Made Hotel. It’s relatively inexpensive, only 5 rooms and everything is free – food, Internet, drinks, laundry, calls to the US, etc. I stay there every time I go.

Things to do:
• Markets of San Telmo
• Cemetary in Recoletta
• Visit the Malba museum
• Walk in Puerto Madero
• Go to Tigre (1 hour by train). Walk around and take a boat
• Boat to Colonia (Uruguay) for the day – make sure you take the express boat – 1 hour vs 3 or 4.
• Walk around Palermo

Places to eat and drink:
• Grilled filet mignon (lomo) at El Mirasol next to the Four Seasons
• Peruvian/Japanese at Osaka
• Italian food at Sottovoce
• Frozen mojitos at Milion

If you go clubbing, don’t go before 3 am. Everything is empty and dead before then – definitely not before 2 am.

Rest of the country:
You could go to Iguazu Falls to see the waterfalls for a 2 or 3 days (it’s in the north of the country). Don’t go for more, there is not much to see or do.

For Patagonia, the Bariloche/Cumelen region and the Calafate region are great. You can find more information and suggestions at:

You may also want to add a trip to Ushuaia to go see penguins.

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