The benefits of flexibility and reading the macro tea leaves in venture

June 22, 2022    ·    4 min read

As I highlighted in FJ Labs’ Investment Strategy, FJ Labs is stage agnostic, geography agnostic, and industry agnostic. … Lees verder “The benefits of flexibility and reading the macro tea leaves in venture”


FJ Labs’ Crypto Credentials

June 13, 2022    ·  4 minutes

People do not realize how active FJ Labs is in the crypto/Web3 space. We are investors in 47 … Lees verder “FJ Labs’ Crypto Credentials”


My conversation with Mark Peter Davis of Interplay

March 30, 2022    ·  47 minutes

I had a fun conversation with Mark Peter Davis of Interplay about my love of marketplaces and all … Lees verder “My conversation with Mark Peter Davis of Interplay”


My conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators

January 24, 2022    ·  < 1 minute

I had a fantastic and far ranging conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators about my path to … Lees verder “My conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators”


FJ Labs 2021 Year in Review

January 20, 2022    ·  < 1 minute


Announcing FJ Labs’s Next Partner: Jeff Weinstein

September 1, 2021    ·  3 minutes

I am excited to announce that we are promoting Jeff Weinstein to Partner at FJ Labs! Here at … Lees verder “Announcing FJ Labs’s Next Partner: Jeff Weinstein”


Hoe FJ Labs startups evalueert

March 16, 2021    ·  14 minutes

In het verleden heb ik de investeringsstrategie van FJ Labs besproken, waarin het soort bedrijven waarin we willen … Lees verder “Hoe FJ Labs startups evalueert”


Meet FJ Labs’ New Partner: Arne Halleraker

March 11, 2021    ·  3 minutes

I am excited to announce that we are promoting Arne Halleraker to partner on our team at FJ … Lees verder “Meet FJ Labs’ New Partner: Arne Halleraker”


FJ Labs Waarderingsmatrix

February 19, 2021    ·  2 minutes

Een tijdje geleden heb ik de matrix gepost die FJ Labs gebruikt om startups op de markt te … Lees verder “FJ Labs Waarderingsmatrix”


FJ Labs 2020 Year in Review

February 3, 2021    ·  < 1 minute


VC Opportunity Fund Best Practices

January 14, 2021    ·  8 minutes

By Jeff Weinstein and Luke Skertich Background Early-stage venture capital has undergone a seismic transformation over the past decade as companies … Lees verder “VC Opportunity Fund Best Practices”


Hoe FJ Labs aan zijn dealstroom komt

August 24, 2020    ·  5 minutes

FJ Labs krijgt deal flow van 4 bronnen: 1. Andere durfkapitaalverstrekkers2. Ondernemers in ons netwerk3. Koude inkomende berichten4. … Lees verder “Hoe FJ Labs aan zijn dealstroom komt”


FJ Labs’ Investeringsstrategie

June 30, 2020    ·  18 minutes

De investeringsaanpak van FJ Labs komt voort uit zijn wortels (lees De ontstaansgeschiedenis van FJ Labs). FJ Labs … Lees verder “FJ Labs’ Investeringsstrategie”


Het ontstaan van FJ Labs

June 3, 2020    ·  9 minutes

Ik stond op het punt om een serie posts over marktplaatsen te beginnen, waarin ik zou beschrijven hoe … Lees verder “Het ontstaan van FJ Labs”


Transcript of All Things Marketplaces

April 28, 2020    ·  41 minutes

My conversation with Erik Torenberg was so rich that I decided to transcribe it for those who did … Lees verder “Transcript of All Things Marketplaces”

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