„Starter Villain” autorstwa Johna Scalziego: A Guilty Pleasure

2 lipca, 2024    ·    2 min read

Jako ktoś, kto głęboko ceni sobie skomplikowane budowanie świata i głębokie tematy w serii„Old Man’s War” Johna Scalziego, … Czytaj dalej „„Starter Villain” autorstwa Johna Scalziego: A Guilty Pleasure”


Ekscytująca podróż poza ekran: „Jutro, jutro i jutro” Gabrielle Zevin

19 marca, 2024    ·  2 minutes

Jako przedsiębiorca głęboko zanurzony w świecie technologii, zawsze szukam historii, które rezonują z biciem serca naszej cyfrowej ery. … Czytaj dalej „Ekscytująca podróż poza ekran: „Jutro, jutro i jutro” Gabrielle Zevin”


Świadectwo ponadczasowego geniuszu: „Nightfall i inne opowiadania” Isaaca Asimova

27 lutego, 2024    ·  2 minutes

Jako ktoś, kto zawsze był zafascynowany skrzyżowaniem technologii, futuryzmu i ludzkiej pomysłowości, odkrycie„Nightfall and Other Stories” Isaaca Asimova … Czytaj dalej „Świadectwo ponadczasowego geniuszu: „Nightfall i inne opowiadania” Isaaca Asimova”


Kaiju Preservation Society is a super fun quick read

9 maja, 2023    ·  < 1 minute

I am huge fan of John Scalzi’s books, especially the Old Man’s War series so it was with … Czytaj dalej „Kaiju Preservation Society is a super fun quick read”


Fred The Vampire Accountant is a fantastic read

21 marca, 2023    ·  < 1 minute

I was first introduced to the genre of horror comedy with the Bill the Vampire series by Rick … Czytaj dalej „Fred The Vampire Accountant is a fantastic read”


Stealing Fire: how to harness flow states for performance

7 czerwca, 2022    ·  < 1 minute

The consensus has been that extreme performance requires the vaunted 10,000 hours of deliberate practice which require tremendous … Czytaj dalej „Stealing Fire: how to harness flow states for performance”


Greenlights is shockingly interesting and insightful!

7 września, 2021    ·  < 1 minute

When several of my friends recommended Greenlights to me, I must admit that I was very skeptical. What … Czytaj dalej „Greenlights is shockingly interesting and insightful!”


Project Hail Mary is the most entertaining book of the year!

12 sierpnia, 2021    ·  < 1 minute

I almost wrote Project Hail Mary is the most entertaining sci-fi book of the year, but it’s such … Czytaj dalej „Project Hail Mary is the most entertaining book of the year!”


Why we sleep is a must read and may be the scariest book I ever read

9 lipca, 2019    ·  3 minutes

Over the years I prided myself in being able to thrive on very little sleep. As the evidence … Czytaj dalej „Why we sleep is a must read and may be the scariest book I ever read”


Summer Book Recommendations

22 sierpnia, 2018    ·  2 minutes

I received numerous requests for book recommendations in the last few weeks. The rise in the mercury clearly … Czytaj dalej „Summer Book Recommendations”


The Bobiverse book series is tons of fun!

12 września, 2017    ·  2 minutes

After my strong recommendations for Ready Player One, Star Force and Old Man’s War, it’s probably obvious to … Czytaj dalej „The Bobiverse book series is tons of fun!”


Infinity Born is a timely thriller

14 sierpnia, 2017    ·  < 1 minute

I am partial to science fiction books set in the near future where the technological improvements are in … Czytaj dalej „Infinity Born is a timely thriller”


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is surprisingly thoughtful and well written

31 lipca, 2017    ·  2 minutes

I was told to check out Mark Manson’s book because it supposedly encapsulates a lot of my personal … Czytaj dalej „The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is surprisingly thoughtful and well written”


Bill The Vampire is hilarious!

6 września, 2016    ·  < 1 minute

The Tome of Bill book series has made me laugh out loud so hard, so much, that I … Czytaj dalej „Bill The Vampire is hilarious!”


The Feedback Loop is the new Ready Player One

30 sierpnia, 2016    ·  < 1 minute

I loved Ready Player One. Sadly, Armada, Ernest Cline’s follow-up book proved disappointing. Harmon Cooper fills that void … Czytaj dalej „The Feedback Loop is the new Ready Player One”


Letters to a Young Contrarian is a must read!

23 sierpnia, 2016    ·  < 1 minute

In a simple and elegant series of letters written to a hypothetical student, Christopher Hitchens makes an incredibly … Czytaj dalej „Letters to a Young Contrarian is a must read!”

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