Bardot, Deneuve, Fonda by Roger Vadim is surprisingly entertaining

When a friend of mine gave me this book saying I would love it, I was a bit doubtful. What could be interesting in the shallow gossipy tales of stars of yesteryears?

Maybe I was influenced by the location I was reading the book in – St. Tropez – where a number of the stories take place, but surprisingly I found myself taken in. Despite Vadim’s self serving telling, the characters are intriguing, the women feel “real” and the setting of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s interesting! I also loved the “cameos” of various celebrities from Sartre to Marlon Brando. In many ways, the story has some of the elements of the best romantic comedies, a genre I have always had a soft spot for.

Read it: the book is a perfect light summer read!

Discover Your Inner Economist is disappointing

I expected a book in the line of Freakonomics or The Undercover Economist and the first chapter brilliantly set the stage for such a book. Unfortunately, Tyler Cowen seemed more interested in preaching how to live your life rather than discovering your inner economist. I could feel his disapproving gaze for not appreciating art or food the way he does. Skip it and read The Undercover Economist instead.

The Life Philosophy of Money

I am extremely blessed to be spending my summer vacation in a gorgeous setting in a very expensive house in the south of France. You would think the owner of the house would be happy and carefree, but you would be mistaken. He obsesses with saving money on phone, electricity, repair work, etc. He MUST get the best deal possible. God forbid you call the US without using VOIP or some discount calling mechanism.

Given his desire to skimp on the small (for him) expenditures, his quality of life is compromised. The water pressure is low, the electricity keeps blowing up, his tennis court only has lamps on one side of the court (“it should be enough”) and half the lamps are broken. More importantly, it’s always on his mind, getting in the way of his enjoyment of his beautiful house.

What’s even more discouraging is that the same individual who goes to extreme lengths to maybe save $10,000 a year thinks nothing of buying a boat he rarely uses without doing the rent versus buy analysis. He does not know how much he spends a year (though I can guarantee you it’s a lot!) and sometimes finds himself short on cash!

This individual’s life philosophy of money is to be “penny wise, but dollar foolish” which is essentially the exact opposite of how you should lead your life! Relative to your income you should be penny foolish, but dollar wise. Don’t fret the small things – enjoy everything that makes your day to day life pleasant (after calculating what a “penny” is for you), but be careful about the bigger purchases that can radically alter your financial wellbeing. For most of us, this means being careful with the car and house we lease or buy.

So stop worrying about the small things, it’s time to enjoy life!


我们的大脑和身体具有可塑性,这一点已被广泛接受。 我们在很大程度上可以通过饮食、生活经历和身心锻炼来塑造它们。 根据个人经验,我还可以说,我们的个性是可塑的。 只要有改变的意愿,只要有坚持到底的勇气、韧劲和毅力,我们就能极大地改变它们。

我不知道自己小时候为什么那么害羞、内向和不善交际。 潜在的原因有很多,但最简单的事后合理化解释是,我的兴趣与我的同龄人根本不同。 我非常好学、好奇、认真,知识分子的傲慢让我看不起那些与我志趣不同的孩子。 虽然常常感到孤独,但我对自己的生活和身份基本满意。 与世隔绝的后果是,我在智力和学业上越来越成功,却从未发展出基本的社交技能。

当我进入普林斯顿大学时,我觉得自己就要进入天堂了。 在法国,所有课程基本上都是指定的,而在这里,您可以在数百种课程中自由选择。 我这个学者如鱼得水。 我几乎选修了每个系的课程–分子生物学、计算机科学、罗马帝国、数学、俄罗斯文学、中文、东亚历史、伯罗奔尼撒战争、心理学等等! 此外,我还与出色的教授们进行了交流,他们必须在办公时间与你交谈。 令人震惊的是,很少有人真正利用这一点!

在社交方面,我原本以为会遇到更多与我有相同知识倾向的人。 我知道普林斯顿大学里有一些人,在普林斯顿大学毕业后还见过几个,但当时我并不知道如何去找他们。 此外,我很擅长拿 A+,做自己的事情,不擅长社交,所以我把注意力集中在我真正擅长的事情上。 我确实锻炼了自己的公众演讲能力,因为我在大一的会计课上取得了优异成绩,后来还成为了这门课的助教,给我的本科同学们讲课。

在麦肯锡,我才开始崭露头角。 我遇到的每个人都非常聪明有趣,背景各不相同。 此外,我们本质上都是缺乏安全感的自大狂。 我立刻联想到了这一点。 我花了无数个小时与我的办公室伙伴一起改造世界,还花了无数个小时与我的许多分析师同事谈论一切,他们现在是我最好的朋友,我为他们感到骄傲!

也是在麦肯锡,我开始意识到,尽管我自以为很聪明(麦肯锡专门雇用那些自以为无所不知的年轻人–直到很久以后我才意识到自己实际上知道的有多么少),但这还远远不够。 我观察到,最成功的人都是那些最外向、最善于社交的人。 他们积极、明确地追求自己感兴趣的项目,与同事、老板和客户关系融洽。 我恍然大悟,要想在人类社会中取得真正的成功,我就必须努力在这些社交场合中游刃有余,就像我在商业和智力活动中一样。

我兴致勃勃地开始了这项工作,而麦肯锡也非常乐意提供帮助。 我报名参加了一个口语交流技能讲习班,以提高我的公众演讲和演示技能。 他们对我的演讲进行录像,然后对我进行口头摧残,因为他们对演讲的每一个环节都进行了分解和批评,以帮助我解决 “发展需要”。 这很残酷,但很有效!

随后,我报名参加了一个书面交流技巧讲习班,游说尽可能多地向客户介绍材料,并在巴塞罗那的一次会议上,当着所有金融业合作伙伴的面,就交易业务做了一次演讲。 当我走上舞台时,我的太阳穴怦怦直跳,手心冒汗,感觉自己快要死了! 幸运的是,当我开始演讲时,我放松了下来,成功地挺了过来!

在我经营奥克兰公司的时候,我已经对商务环境中的社交活动驾轻就熟。 在那里的经历让我的舒适度提升到了另一个层次。 第一次接受大型电视采访时,我还是很忐忑。 我知道,在镜头的另一端,是法国顶级节目之一《首都》的数百万观众。 开始之后,我再次放松下来,一切都非常顺利。 该节目的成功,以及我们在法国媒体上日益增长的知名度(请阅读 你们是如何进行第一轮融资的? 的详细信息),我意识到自己不仅不再害怕当众演讲,而且还非常喜欢谈论我们正在做的事情! 更好的是,我意识到我也喜欢与我的员工和合作伙伴一起工作,互相分享、学习和挑战!

我转换的第一阶段已经完成。 在商业环境中,我从一个凡事喜欢独来独往的人,变成了一个自信、热情、喜欢在公共场合交谈、喜欢与员工和合作伙伴合作的外向型人。 我还有幸结识了一些了不起的人,我很自豪地称他们为朋友。 然而,尽管我有几个要好的朋友,但在社交场合还是不自在。 我很擅长一对一地讨论吸引我的话题,但却害怕与更多人在一起的环境。 此外,由于我在事业上取得了巨大的成功,生活也很惬意,我发现这样做比关注个人生活要容易得多。

不需要火箭科学家也能意识到,在社交场合最成功的人是那些外向、自信、自在和天生善于社交的人。 换句话说,它需要的正是我在商业环境中努力学习的特质。

2001 年,我回到美国创办了 Zingy,当时我正从单相思中恢复过来,我决定是时候克服对社交场合的恐惧了。 在约会中,我总是因为极度害怕被拒绝和世界上最高标准的结合而退缩。 我必须直面问题。 我突然意识到,克服被拒绝恐惧的最好办法就是被拒绝。 在 2001 年秋天的 100 天里,我取消了除相貌之外的所有选择标准,强迫自己每天随机接近 10 个女孩并约她们出去。 我甚至用电子表格来记录我的进步。 当你在街上随意约女孩出去时,你会经常被拒绝–尤其是当你第一次尝试时显得笨拙、紧张和缺乏自信时,你一定不会感到惊讶。

我确实了解到第二好的搭讪方式是:”看来我们的生活方向一致” “我不得不向你自我介绍” 如果女孩笑了或笑了,我就有机会了。 大多数情况下,她只是不理我,或者走开,经常看我,好像我疯了一样。 最好的搭讪台词是 “嗨!”

我的优势在于大数法则。 当你约 1000 人出去时,一定会有人答应,而这次有 45 个女孩答应了。 学习 “美国式约会 “的时候到了。 由于没有经历过这个过程,我犯了书上所有的错误。 最基本的错误是第一次约会晚餐。 你们应该还记得,我是随机挑选的女孩,并没有想到我们可能不合适。 我的第一次约会糟透了。 我们彼此无话可说,我也无聊透顶。 更糟糕的是,在我手头拮据的时候,我还得承担这笔账单。 我不是一个学东西特别快的人,我以为这只是一次侥幸。 在经历了三四次糟糕的第一次约会晚餐后,我意识到第一次约会喝酒是个更好的主意!

后来我才知道,美国的约会管理非常严格。 似乎几乎每个人都不敢分享自己的真实感受,因为害怕受到伤害或伤害到对方,因此人们都遵循 “规则”。 社会对什么是约会时的适当性行为、如何表现出兴趣(或缺乏兴趣)有明确的期望。 希奇》等电影中的很多噱头其实都是真实的。 看到基本心理学的作用也很有趣:喜欢你的人会模仿你的行为–例如,当你拿起饮料时,他也会拿起饮料。

整个事件也是一次有趣的社会实验,因为它拓宽了我的视野。 由于取消了所有的选择标准,我最终和许多不同背景、工作和爱好的女孩约会。 这让我更加坚信,虽然异性相吸,但相似的人更适合做夫妻。 最后,我对 45 个女孩中的任何一个都不感兴趣,尽管其中有几个对我感兴趣。 如果说这打破了我对被拒绝的恐惧,那是因为我意识到,被我拒绝的 955 个女孩平均而言可能并没有什么不同,她们只是没有意识到我有多么出色(如果只是错觉的话:)。 我还意识到,被拒绝的代价是多么低。在三个多月的时间里,我每天都会被拒绝多次,但什么事都没有发生。 这并不意味着什么。

有了这些新发现的知识和自信,我开始向我真正感兴趣的女孩(超级聪明、超级热情、超级有抱负、超级有求知欲、极富冒险精神和不拘一格的兴趣爱好)求爱! 有趣的是,除了约会,我还开始喜欢社交场合。 虽然我仍然喜欢在相当多的时间里独来独往,但我也开始喜欢参加聚会,喜欢被人群包围。 在迈尔斯-布里格斯测验中,我从 INTJ 到 XSTJ((ISTJ/ESTJ)再到 ENTJ。

过渡已经完成。 我成为了今天的自己–善于社交、性格外向,在任何场合都充满自信。 认识我没几年的人都不敢相信,我以前是多么害羞、内向和不善交际。 有趣的是,今天的我并不比 15 年前的我逊色。 在我们生活的当下,我们就是我们真正选择的自己!

由于我的幸福指数平均值很高,所以我今天和当时一样幸福,但我对今天这个更加全面的自己更加满意。 我也很高兴地说,我没有遗憾。 如果没有曾经的自己,我可能不会有今天的生活。

我们的个性和许多其他事物一样,可以通过努力和奉献来改变。 现在,你只需决定自己想成为什么样的人,并为之努力。 这个过程一开始可能会令人生畏,但很快就会变得有趣起来。 祝你好运

Tell No One is the French Fugitive

Tell No One is a fantastic French thriller playing in select theaters in the US. Francois Cluzet plays Doctor Alex Beck who receives an email with a video of his wife, who was supposedly murdered 8 years ago, alive and well.

The story is well told and reminded me both of Hitchcock-style storytelling and of the Fugitive. The characters are rich. The story moves deliberately and clearly through all the twists. Above all, I admired the portrayal of love in its purest and richest form.

Go see it!

A second with Fabrice

By Stephan Trano

A few years ago, while working on one of my books, I asked my close friend Pierre Berge, the CEO of Yves Saint-Laurent, what was his definition of friendship. True friendship is when someone calls you in the middle of the night to tell you “I just killed my wife” and you answer “Ok, where is the body so we can hide it?” Tough, but it feels right. No question. No discussion. I have made throughout the years long trips deep in the currents of friendship, surrounded by precious encounters which built me the way I am. In the middle of my so called life I acquired the certitude that friendship is the most elaborate feeling and quintessentially human.

Well. When it comes to Fabrice, the word friendship immediately comes to my mind. Not that we can consider each other regular friends. We live in some opposite sides of the world and our encounter was probably more than unexpected. However, there is one second that always challenges the rules of life. It is an indefinable second of trust which can pop up even in the middle of the most unlikely context. I believe this happened to us in October 2006 when we first met in New York.

I have always been fascinated by the ability of some rare men and women to give a chance to that second. I respect this because I know what it means. Many of my friends died aids as I started discovering love and affection. Then I had to accept the gift of surviving, despite my own wounds, some of them during one of the ugliest war on this earth, in the Middle-East. And also, I had to accept, that morning in hell, when my closest friend gave up on life. It changes a man to experience these things. It also gives another vision of what the people really are and what friendship means.

There was absolutely no good reason for Fabrice to open me his door. Nobody is less sporty, game playing or expressive than me. He even knew nothing about the very circumstances of my arrival in New York. And yet was that second. As time passed, I observed him a lot, the way I had observed other fantastic people. I was not surprised to discover that Fabrice is a guy deeply inspired by the almost mystical dimension of friendship. He has this impressive dimension of elegance and sensibility. And also this “Je ne sais quoi” (one of Fabrice’s favorite expressions) that I always perceived in the people I met who were destined for unusual paths.

It takes a long time to become the man we are to become. We need other people the same way sailors need the stars in the dark sky. We need other people to play with, some to share with and also, some just to be in the same life with. Is it always friendship? No. But it belongs to the wonderful and powerful domain of friendship. That’s why if one day, later, one was to ask me “why are you friends?”, I will probably answer with this quote from Montaigne which he used to refer to his unusual friendship with La Boetie: “Because it was him, because it was me”.
