
正如我在最新的主題演講 《讓我們建設一個更美好的未來》中提到的,改善人類的最佳方式是利用技術的通貨緊縮力量。 技術使事物變得更加實惠,從而提高了人們的生活品質。 因此,在過去的兩個世紀里,食品、水、通訊、交通、電力和必需品的成本已經崩潰。 它的影響甚至在我們的一生中也很明顯——當我還是個孩子的時候,只有富人才能坐飛機、擁有汽車或擁有手機。 今天,幾乎每個人都可以使用它們。

FJ Labs 投資並建立市場。 市場之所以通貨緊縮,是因為它們為以前不透明和分散的市場帶來了流動性、透明度和效率。 我們已經投資了 300 多家初創公司,每年將投資 50-100 家新初創公司,幾乎涵蓋所有行業和地區。 同樣,我們建立的公司,如OLX,每月接觸超過3億人,其中數百萬人在網站上謀生。

換句話說,我在 FJ Labs 的專業工作比我在慈善事業上所做的任何事情都影響了更多的人。 即便如此,我們也看到了我們的工作和投資的一階效應,但並不總是看到對生活得到改善的大眾的變革性二手影響。 這一貢獻也沒有得到整個社會的傳統認可。 因此,在處理傳統的慈善捐贈時,我深入思考如何補充我的專業工作以直接影響有需要的人,並提出了一種合理的非傳統方法。

在幾次大規模退出之後,我向我的親密朋友捐贈了一大筆錢,他們中的許多人選擇過渡到利潤較低的學術和研究領域,而不是法律和醫學。 其他人只是在生活中通常不那麼幸運。 我認真思考了很久,因為我不想讓它損害我的友誼,但總的來說,我決定所有人都可以使用一些説明。


  • 只給我永遠認識的最親密的朋友,
  • 明確表示這是一次性的禮物,並且
  • 不附加任何條件,也不期望對資金做了什麼進行會計處理

最後一點非常重要。 我常常覺得,人們的天賦中有一種家長式的成分。 我相信我的朋友知道什麼對他們最好。 判斷或評估不是我的職責,因此我解釋說,我什至不想知道他們的資金計劃是什麼。 我只是想知道這對他們總體上是有説明的。

我的第一筆更傳統的捐贈也是從這個過程中出來的。 我最好的朋友之一 Niroshana Anadasabapathy 決定開始研究羅勒細胞癌疫苗。 她很聰明,我會資助她所做的任何事情,所以我承諾支援她的實驗室 10 年。 純屬巧合的是,我最終也患上了羅勒細胞癌,所以我更加致力於她的成功。

從那時起,這種個人聯繫就影響了我的捐贈——我想對與我產生共鳴的組織做出長期承諾。 鑒於我對多明尼加共和國的依戀和對喀巴里特當地社區的熱愛,我成為 夢想專案 的最大當地捐助者,以支付 7,500 名兒童的教育費用。 我還資助了他們的技術中心,以確保孩子們可以上網並精通技術。

我開始支援 人民大學,這是一所非營利性、免學費的在線美國大學。 他們的目標是開放接受高等教育的機會——這說明瞭我對教育的興趣以及技術和機會的價值。 我還投資了 Laboratoria,它通過學習編碼和在技術領域從事高薪工作來説明女性改善生活。

為了促進世界各地的創業精神,我支援 Venture for AmericaEndeavor。 Venture for America 是一項為期兩年的獎學金計劃,面向希望在初創公司工作的大學畢業生,這些初創公司將在美國城市增加就業機會。 FJ Labs 通過審查或投資他們的公司來説明 Endeavor,這是一個指導並與全球優秀企業家合作的組織。

在看了 約翰·奧利弗(John Oliver)關於醫療債務的精彩文章 后,我通過 RIP醫療債務免除了100萬美元的貧困兒童醫療債務。 每年有超過6400萬美國人難以支付醫療費用,僅捐款100美元就可以免除10,000美元的醫療債務。

最近,我一直在思考如何在我的方法中更加系統和深思熟慮,尤其是如何説明那些最缺乏説明的人。 這就是我的好朋友亞歷山大·瑪律斯(Alexandre Mars)的用武之地。 在經歷了漫長而成功的創業生涯后,他決定將大部分精力集中在建立 EPIC上。 他們系統地確定了值得支援的前 36 個組織,並試圖說服人們將向他們捐款作為常態。

為了説明他,我成為了EPIC的紐約大使,我們正在考慮如何向FJ Labs公司提供捐贈選擇。 作為我們即將為FJ Labs公司推出的歡迎禮包的一部分,我們希望為創始人提供機會,通過工資扣除,給予他們未來退出的一定比例和員工自動贈送的禮物。 我還將簽署EPIC承諾書,承諾將我未來退出收益的一部分用於EPIC投資組合。

這是一段有趣而有趣的旅程。 我沒有花太多時間思考我的方法,甚至沒有計算我捐贈了多少,直到我的朋友 Niroshana 在哈佛大學教授的一門課上採訪了我,瞭解我的慈善理念。 多年來,我的想法和方法將不斷發展,我一定會更新您。

2017 Holiday Gadget Gift Guide

It’s that time of the year again, so I am sharing my recommendations for all gadget lovers of the world to be happy this holiday season.

Notebook: MSI GS63VR Stealth Pro-002 & MSI GS73VR Stealth Pro-033

Both are amazing. They have 120Mhz 3ms screens, i7-7700HQ processors, an Nvidia GTX 1070 with 8Gb of GDDR5, a 512Gb SSD and a 1 TB regular hard drive. They are both incredibly light at 4 and 5.3 pounds respectively for the 15.6” and 17” models.

In the past I opted for the 15” version, but this year I switched to the 17” version. I prefer the larger screen to work and play on when I am traveling, and it has a much longer battery life, though obviously on the short side (3 hours) for a notebook given how powerful it is.

Computer Monitor: Philips BDM4350UC

When it comes to computer monitors I have always been of the thought that bigger is better. Given that it’s not uncommon for high end 32” 4K monitors to cost upwards of $1,000, the Philips BDM4350UC is an absolute bargain at $599.

The Philips BDM4350UC has a 50,000,000:1 contrast ratio, 5ms response time and supports 3840×2160 at 60Hz. This monitor fixes one the big flaws of the Philips BMD4065UC given that it supports HDMI 2.0. Note that by default the monitor is set for DisplayPort 1.1 and HDMI 1.4. You must manually go in monitor settings and switch them to 1.2 and 2.0 respectively. Once it’s done, it works gloriously!

Working and gaming are amazing on it. Without hesitation, it’s the monitor to get!

Game Console: PS4 Pro

I own both a PS4 Pro and an Xbox One X. The Xbox One X is the most powerful console on the market yet and is now my default console for games that are available on both platforms such as Call of Duty: WW2. Games which take advantage of the Xbox One X’s power such as Gears of War 4 look stunning.

The reason I am recommending the PS4 Pro is that it has the better exclusives, especially Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Horizon Zero Dawn and Drake Uncharted 4. I am also looking forward to The Last of Us 2.

Video Games

I stopped playing FPS many years ago. I was tired of the new iterations of Call of Duty which became increasingly unrealistic as your characters walked on walls, made impossible jumps etc. I am happy to report that Call of Duty: WW2 is a welcome return to the genre’s roots. It still follows the tried and true Call of Duty game mechanics, so I may tire of it faster than I did in the early incantations, but in the meantime, it’s tons of fun.

I love third person action adventure games and this year had two amazing entries in the genre: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Horizon Zero Dawn. Unchartered: The Lost Legacy is a spin off worthy of Drake Unchartered 4. The two heroines have amazing chemistry. There is a very even mix of puzzles, combat and exploration. The set pieces are amazing and recall some of the earlier Unchartered games and combat is engrossing. Horizon Zero Dawn takes place in a unique universe where giant mechanical animals roam the land and it’s up to you to figure out how this happened. The story is engrossing and the combat complex and thrilling.

If you have not played them yet, GTA V, Rise of the Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, Max Payne 3, L.A. Noire and Gears of War 4 and Drake Unchartered 4 are all worth playing.

On the PC, I am still playing Company of Heroes 2 while waiting impatiently waiting for Age of Empires IV.

Gaming Headset: HyperX Cloud II

The HyperX Cloud II headset is the perfect companion for the computer and PS4 recommendations above. It’s super comfortable. The microphone noise cancellation is the best I have ever used. People I talk to can’t hear the background noise even when I am in a noisy environment. Likewise, by being closed cup, the headset has amazing noise cancellation and I can work and play effectively from anywhere.

One of my top pet peeves is people not using headsets with built in microphones when doing Skype calls. Especially if you are fund raising it does not reflect positively on you if I can hear you are in a noisy coffee shop and can barely hear what you tell me. If you do a lot of Skype calls get a great headset!

Webcam: Logitech HD Pro C922 and Logitech 4K Pro

Given that most of my work entails doing Zoom and Skype calls, webcam video quality is key and the Logitech 4K Pro has the best, but is very expensive at $199. If 1080p is good enough the C922 is amazing as well for $79.

TV: Vizio M75-E1 & LG 65B7A OLED

When it comes to TVs I think bigger is better. The Vizio M75-E1 is a 75” 4K HDR TV with the best picture quality and features of any TV in its price range costing just $1,799.

If you are less price sensitive and don’t mind getting a smaller TV, the LG 65B7A has the best picture quality of any TV ever made and costs $2,299 for 65” options at Amazon.

Living Room Speaker: Devialet Phantom Silver

The Devialet has by far the best sound of any speaker I have ever listened to. It has no distortion, even at high volume, no saturation and no background noise. It’s so powerful, even in its 3,000 Watt silver option, that I only installed one in my living room as a replacement for the various Sonos Play:5 speakers I had. I setup the Sonos speakers in the media room instead with the Sonos sound bar and subwoofer.

BTW Don’t put the Sonos and Devialet on the same system as they have different lag so the sound is not synchronized. The Devialet has a built-in lag of 160ms, while the Sonos has a lag of 70ms.

Home Automation: Mix and Match and control with Amazon Echo Dot

I tested the Google Home Mini and the Amazon Echo Dot both of which cost $49. The Google Home Mini actually has better voice recognition, but I opted for the Amazon Echo Dot because it had integrations with all of the devices in my home: Sonos (which Google does not yet support), Logitech Harmony, Lutron, Smarthings and Ecobee.

To control all the AV in the media room, I setup a Logitech Harmony Elite. With one remote, I control the PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Verizon Fios and external HDMI input. There is still a little bit of lag, but I find it bearable and the remote control works well with all the aforementioned devices.

The blind motors are Somfy. I am using some custom code to control them via SmartThings which I then control though Alexa, my iPhone or iPad.

The fireplace is connected to a Remotec ZFM-80 z-wave relay. This relay is connected to SmartThings. Lights are Lutron Caseta wireless. I am using Ecobee 4 thermostats to control both the HVAC and the floor heating.

Here is a video of all of it in action in my master bedroom:

I must admit that it’s far from trivial to setup and it took me hours both to do the original installation and to connect everything in an intelligible way to Alexa. I am still working on my naming nomenclature to make everything as user friendly as possible. Non-tech savvy individuals should probably abstain or get a professional installer.

Happy holidays!
