Raising money from VCs is just like dating!

فبراير 20, 2013    ·    4 min read

The first two times I raised VC money, until success simplified things, it occurred to me how the … متابعة قراءة “Raising money from VCs is just like dating!”


First Round Capital's Holiday Video is Amazing!

ديسمبر 19, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

Their portfolio is not too bad either 🙂


لماذا سأترك أوليكس

ديسمبر 17, 2012    ·  14 minutes

قررت التخلي عن منصبي كرئيس تنفيذي مشارك لشركة أوليكس. شريكي أليك سيبقى في منصب الرئيس التنفيذي. ونظرًا للقدر … متابعة قراءة “لماذا سأترك أوليكس”


My IDCEE Keynote

نوفمبر 9, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I attempt to share the lessons I learned operating and angel investing in emerging markets.


And then there were a 100…

أكتوبر 31, 2012    ·  16 minutes

Given the pace at which Jose and I have been angel investing, it’s not surprising we have now … متابعة قراءة “And then there were a 100…”


If it's in the press it must be true :)

يونيو 18, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by CNBC. The interview consisted of some pretty open-ended questions about … متابعة قراءة “If it's in the press it must be true :)”


Why we won’t invest in Pinterest clones

مايو 22, 2012    ·  3 minutes

In the past few months, we’ve been approached by almost 10 companies who want to be the Pinterest … متابعة قراءة “Why we won’t invest in Pinterest clones”


Entrepreneur quote of the day: "I VIP!"

مايو 2, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

Me: Long time no speak. How are you? Him: I VIP! Me: ?????? Him: I Vest in Peace!


Very detailed interview about the emerging markets Internet craze

مارس 9, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by memeburn a few weeks ago. Topics included the following: which … متابعة قراءة “Very detailed interview about the emerging markets Internet craze”


Fantastic Startup Launch Video

مارس 8, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I have not seen the deck or met the entrepreneur. I have no idea what the gross margins … متابعة قراءة “Fantastic Startup Launch Video”


Very detailed interview about everything I learned as an entrepreneur and business angel

نوفمبر 22, 2011    ·  < 1 minute

For the French speakers among you: http://www.itespresso.fr/fievre-de-start-up-fabrice-grinda-toujours-essayer-jusqua-trouver-ce-qui-marche-le-mieux-44612.html


The Ultimate Startup: Creating a New Country

أغسطس 23, 2011    ·  3 minutes

My good friend Auren Hoffman posited that existing nation states would benefit from a little bit of creative … متابعة قراءة “The Ultimate Startup: Creating a New Country”


Angel Investing Secrets

يوليو 19, 2011    ·  7 minutes

A few weeks ago, I was invited to give a keynote speech at La Red Innova in Madrid. … متابعة قراءة “Angel Investing Secrets”


Cameron Rules, Sarkozy Sucks!

يونيو 9, 2011    ·  3 minutes

Over the last two weeks I had the pleasure of attending the eG8 Summit in Paris at the … متابعة قراءة “Cameron Rules, Sarkozy Sucks!”

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