Gone Girl is riveting!

أكتوبر 23, 2012    ·    2 min read

I had never read a Gillian Flynn novel or heard what Gone Girl was about when I started … متابعة قراءة “Gone Girl is riveting!”


Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore is a must read for book and technology nerds alike!

أكتوبر 22, 2012   ·  2 min read

  The book is a fun portrayal of the tension, dichotomy and yet relationship between traditional print publishing … متابعة قراءة “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore is a must read for book and technology nerds alike!”


Ruby Sparks is thought provoking, beautiful, poignant and confronting

أكتوبر 8, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

While the movie indulges in a bit of magic realism, it takes flight once you stop questioning its … متابعة قراءة “Ruby Sparks is thought provoking, beautiful, poignant and confronting”


Enroll in Star Force!

سبتمبر 12, 2012   ·  2 min read

After read Arthur C. Clarke’s sci-fi masterpiece Childhood’s End, I became more open minded to the sci-fi genre … متابعة قراءة “Enroll in Star Force!”


The 500 is a fun thriller

سبتمبر 11, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

I was in the mood for a fun “beach read” when I came across Matthew Quirk’s The 500. … متابعة قراءة “The 500 is a fun thriller”


Fantastic interview about what may very well be my next car!

سبتمبر 9, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

I had the pleasure of meeting both Ron Dennis and Frank Stephenson at the McLaren factory outside of … متابعة قراءة “Fantastic interview about what may very well be my next car!”


I knew it all along: video games are great for you and allow you to live longer :)

أغسطس 6, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

Not only do games allow you to live longer, healthier life, recent scientific research suggests that intense game … متابعة قراءة “I knew it all along: video games are great for you and allow you to live longer :)”


الاقتصاد: تجربة فكرية متفائلة

يوليو 13, 2012   ·  37 min read

على مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية، كان الاقتصادي بداخلي متشائمًا للغاية بشأن المصير الاقتصادي على المدى القصير والمتوسط ​​للعالم … متابعة قراءة “الاقتصاد: تجربة فكرية متفائلة”


If it's in the press it must be true :)

يونيو 18, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by CNBC. The interview consisted of some pretty open-ended questions about … متابعة قراءة “If it's in the press it must be true :)”


The Avengers is a great ensemble movie

يونيو 10, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

The movie does not quite rise as high as the Rotten Tomatoes 93% critic and 96% spectator scores … متابعة قراءة “The Avengers is a great ensemble movie”


Prometheus is visually impressive, but underwhelming

يونيو 9, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

Watching the movie in IMAX 3D was glorious. Many of the settings and effects were amazing. Unfortunately, despite … متابعة قراءة “Prometheus is visually impressive, but underwhelming”


Childhood’s End is a sci-fi masterpiece!

يونيو 8, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

Arthur C. Clarke managed a tour de force with Childhood’s End. I could not believe the book was … متابعة قراءة “Childhood’s End is a sci-fi masterpiece!”


Why we won’t invest in Pinterest clones

مايو 22, 2012   ·  3 min read

In the past few months, we’ve been approached by almost 10 companies who want to be the Pinterest … متابعة قراءة “Why we won’t invest in Pinterest clones”


Entrepreneur quote of the day: "I VIP!"

مايو 2, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

Me: Long time no speak. How are you? Him: I VIP! Me: ?????? Him: I Vest in Peace!


Great Article on Steve Jobs’ “Wilderness Years”

أبريل 21, 2012   ·  < 1 min read

The May issue of Fast Company has a great article on Steve Jobs’ “wilderness years”. This 1985-1996 period … متابعة قراءة “Great Article on Steve Jobs’ “Wilderness Years””


A Song of Ice and Fire is magnificently complex, thrilling and entertaining!

أبريل 4, 2012   ·  2 min read

I have been hearing of George R.R. Martin for many years, but never checked out his books because … متابعة قراءة “A Song of Ice and Fire is magnificently complex, thrilling and entertaining!”


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