Sometimes it pays to be lucky!

februar 13, 2006    ·    2 min read

As you might have read in my post on “The Power of Introspection and Detached Analysis” after I … Læs videre “Sometimes it pays to be lucky!”


In Praise of Premium Services

februar 6, 2006   ·  2 min read

In this Web 2.0 world free services have been all the rage – from social networking to photo … Læs videre “In Praise of Premium Services”


Kraften i introspektion og løsrevet analyse

januar 31, 2006   ·  16 min read

En gang imellem står vi over for at skulle træffe en beslutning, som vil ændre vores liv. Vi … Læs videre “Kraften i introspektion og løsrevet analyse”


Entrepreneurship: The Game

januar 19, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

As a champion of entrepreneurship, I can only applaud the charitable Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, headed by Carl … Læs videre “Entrepreneurship: The Game”


Two more interesting quotes…

januar 19, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. Oscar Wilde The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives … Læs videre “Two more interesting quotes…”


A Eulogy to Rong Yiren

januar 13, 2006   ·  2 min read

While I never knew him, I would much have liked to. Rong Yiren was a true entrepreneur. Rong’s … Læs videre “A Eulogy to Rong Yiren”



januar 13, 2006   ·  2 min read

One cannot but be in awe at the amazing beauty and diversity of Patagonia. From the Perito Moreno … Læs videre “Patagonia”


Investment Banking Fees

januar 6, 2006   ·  2 min read

My post praising the value of investment bankers led to a number of e-mails asking for the parameters … Læs videre “Investment Banking Fees”



januar 6, 2006   ·  3 min read

My trip to Morocco was magnificent. There was palpable energy in the air and the attitude of many … Læs videre “Morocco”


In Praise of Investment Bankers

december 28, 2005   ·  3 min read

Investment bankers have often decried as adding little value and adding complexity to otherwise simple sale processes. I … Læs videre “In Praise of Investment Bankers”


Fund Raising 101

december 19, 2005   ·  4 min read

Looking back, I realize how little I really knew about fund raising when I started Aucland. It seemed … Læs videre “Fund Raising 101”


St. Moritz

december 16, 2005   ·  2 min read

After a few more meetings with entrepreneurs in Paris including Fotovista (500 million euros in revenues!), oodrive and … Læs videre “St. Moritz”


Inspiring Quotes

december 11, 2005   ·  < 1 min read

I recently came across an amazing site – – with quotes from thousands of people from all … Læs videre “Inspiring Quotes”


Advertising Creativity

december 11, 2005   ·  < 1 min read

I have always been in awe of creativity in advertising. The first ad that profoundly moved me was … Læs videre “Advertising Creativity”


Entrepreneurs Everywhere :)

december 5, 2005   ·  < 1 min read

The guiding theme of my current vacation is to meet entrepreneurs from the world over. As my travels … Læs videre “Entrepreneurs Everywhere :)”

929 – 944 of 949 Posts