The value of positive advisors

April 13, 2009    ·    4 min read

When you create a startup there are many people to discourage you. The most common refrain is “this … „The value of positive advisors“ weiterlesen


On the duality of ambition :)

April 9, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good … „On the duality of ambition :)“ weiterlesen


This looks amazing!

April 8, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.


A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is a must read!

März 31, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

It’s hard to believe anyone could weave together a history of all the scientific fields – cosmology, astronomy, … „A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is a must read!“ weiterlesen


Stand up comics for rationality!

März 31, 2009   ·  < 1 min read


Duplicity is tons of fun!

März 27, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I loved the movie. Clive Owen and Julia Roberts have great chemistry. The plot and dialogue are fun … „Duplicity is tons of fun!“ weiterlesen


Wall Street Investment Banking Explained

März 23, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

Young Chuck moved to Texas and bought a donkey from a farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to … „Wall Street Investment Banking Explained“ weiterlesen


Entrepreneurs: Global Heroes!

März 18, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

There is a great series of articles on entrepreneurship in the latest Economist. Check them out:


On entrepreneurship and democracy

März 16, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

“The movement that built the first national democracy was not triggered by an uprising of the masses; nor … „On entrepreneurship and democracy“ weiterlesen


Interesting progress in the fight against HIV

März 13, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

Over the last 25 years, the fight against HIV has seemed hopeless. Every attempt at a vaccine or … „Interesting progress in the fight against HIV“ weiterlesen


Uwe Reinhardt is brilliant!

März 12, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I had the pleasure of studying under Uwe Reinhardt at Princeton. He was by far the best teacher. … „Uwe Reinhardt is brilliant!“ weiterlesen


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II is disappointing

März 9, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

As it is built on the Company of Heroes engine, I had great hopes for this real time … „Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II is disappointing“ weiterlesen


CEPS: George Soros on the crash of 2008

März 6, 2009   ·  3 min read

I had the pleasure of being invited to a dinner organized by the Princeton University Center for Economic … „CEPS: George Soros on the crash of 2008“ weiterlesen


The Winter’s Tale is fantastic

Februar 23, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I saw William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale last Thursday at the BAM in Brooklyn and loved it. The … „The Winter’s Tale is fantastic“ weiterlesen


Fantastic presentation by Bill Gates at TED

Februar 20, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I love his optimism!


Taken is a fun thriller

Februar 19, 2009   ·  < 1 min read

I meant to see this movie ever since I saw a preview in an Argentine movie theater almost … „Taken is a fun thriller“ weiterlesen


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