It sounds crazy, but there is significant evidence that passing a weak current through your brain can significantly increase your cognitive abilities and alertness.

You can read the full article in New Scientist at:–literally.html

  • I am not referring to electroshock therapy to treat depression. In the article in New Scientist they use very low intensity voltage and amperage. Anyway, not that I think I will be trying this on me anytime soon, I just thought it was interesting 🙂

  • Fabrice, I have sent you an email regarding this interesting observation you made some years ago in the newscientist journal (It sounds crazy, but there is significant evidence that passing a weak current through your brain can significantly increase your cognitive abilities and alertness)

  • Fabrice, do you mean do I do brainpod stimulation? 😉 or did you mean to ask if I have sent you an email? Answer is yes to both but I am not sure if I have the right email address?