The Esky LAMA RC Helicopter is a lot of fun

noviembre 26, 2007    ·    < 1 min read

As the holidays are approaching, I am compelled to offer a few gift ideas 🙂 I had never … Continuar leyendo «The Esky LAMA RC Helicopter is a lot of fun»


Trapeze in New York

noviembre 19, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

This summer, in an attempt to connect with my inner Carrie Bradshaw, I tried out trapeze on top … Continuar leyendo «Trapeze in New York»


Advertising on Facebook and MySpace: the “Grinda Hypothesis”

noviembre 15, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

In a recent post, Facebook: the next Google?, I expressed skepticism on the value of Facebook given the … Continuar leyendo «Advertising on Facebook and MySpace: the “Grinda Hypothesis”»


Einat Wilf, Danny Gillerman and Israel

noviembre 14, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

I had the pleasure of listening to my good friend Einat Wilf ( speak on the future of … Continuar leyendo «Einat Wilf, Danny Gillerman and Israel»


Meet the Paypal mafia

noviembre 14, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Fortune just covered Peter and his former Paypal crew. Read the article at:


Watch Rome!

noviembre 14, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

I just watched the two seasons of HBO’s Rome on DVD and absolutely adored it. I am biased … Continuar leyendo «Watch Rome!»


Capitalism and Democracy

noviembre 11, 2007   ·  3 min read

I recently came across an article entitled “How Capitalism is Killing Democracy” by Robert Reich. The article is … Continuar leyendo «Capitalism and Democracy»


OLX Partners with Fotolog to Bring Free Classifieds to Millions of Users around the World

noviembre 8, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

One of the ways OLX has grown has been by partnering with other sites to run their classifieds … Continuar leyendo «OLX Partners with Fotolog to Bring Free Classifieds to Millions of Users around the World»


Great game setup / best plasma TV on the market

noviembre 5, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

As it is clearly unbearable to have to split the screen with friends for games of Halo, Call … Continuar leyendo «Great game setup / best plasma TV on the market»


The pitfalls of marrying an entrepreneur

noviembre 1, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

The Financial Times just ran a very interesting article on the pitfalls of marrying an entrepreneur. As they … Continuar leyendo «The pitfalls of marrying an entrepreneur»


Facebook: the next Google?

octubre 26, 2007   ·  4 min read

I was in San Francisco for CTIA this week and took advantage of the opportunity to catch up … Continuar leyendo «Facebook: the next Google?»


A Different Perspective on the Global Economy

octubre 20, 2007   ·  3 min read

Last February I blogged about how excess petrodollar liquidity was creating bubbles all around the world and how … Continuar leyendo «A Different Perspective on the Global Economy»


Yet another great Shakespeare quote

octubre 19, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Some people are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them.


Great Teddy Roosevelt Quote

octubre 18, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, … Continuar leyendo «Great Teddy Roosevelt Quote»


Remarkable video: battle at Kruger National Park

octubre 10, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Watch this amazing video of lions, a crocodile and buffalo fighting for a baby water buffalo.


Internet: we are still at the beginning!

octubre 9, 2007   ·  < 1 min read

Many people worry that they missed the opportunity to participate in the Internet revolution. I have often heard … Continuar leyendo «Internet: we are still at the beginning!»


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