College Will Kill Your Entrepreneurial Spirit While Simultaneously Turning You into a Worker Bee

février 5, 2010    ·    < 1 min read

This article tells a fascinating story of a journey of survival through entrepreneurship. The persistence and trial and … Continuer la lecture de « College Will Kill Your Entrepreneurial Spirit While Simultaneously Turning You into a Worker Bee »


The New York Internet community is thriving!

janvier 20, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

I participated last night in an Internet entrepreneur ping pong tournament organized by Spark Capital. It was incredibly … Continuer la lecture de « The New York Internet community is thriving! »


The 18 Mistakes that Kill Startups

janvier 14, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

This is an old article by Paul Graham (October 2006), but a must read for all entrepreneurs. Read … Continuer la lecture de « The 18 Mistakes that Kill Startups »


The Power of Two: 2 > 1!

janvier 5, 2010    ·  7 minutes

Looking at the most successful Internet and technology companies of the past few decades, it’s shocking to see … Continuer la lecture de « The Power of Two: 2 > 1! »


Fantastic fireside chat with Loic Lemeur at LeWeb

décembre 10, 2009    ·  < 1 minute

I loved this year’s LeWeb. I met many great entrepreneurs and was truly impressed by the organization and … Continuer la lecture de « Fantastic fireside chat with Loic Lemeur at LeWeb »


Looking for an entrepreneurial stint: at what startup stage should you join?

novembre 11, 2009    ·  2 minutes

In the past few weeks I met a few seasoned executives who had reached a point in their … Continuer la lecture de « Looking for an entrepreneurial stint: at what startup stage should you join? »


Lessons from Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix

octobre 9, 2009    ·  2 minutes

I had the pleasure of being invited to attend the Liberty Media Net Leaders Forum. The forum was … Continuer la lecture de « Lessons from Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix »


Lessons from a startup failure

mai 15, 2009    ·  8 minutes

I met Jordan Cooper a few years ago while he was an associate at General Catalyst in Boston. … Continuer la lecture de « Lessons from a startup failure »


Work smarter and harder

avril 16, 2009    ·  < 1 minute

I just came across a fantastic blog post by Jeffrey Kalmikoff who is the entrepreneur behind Threadless. Love … Continuer la lecture de « Work smarter and harder »


The value of positive advisors

avril 13, 2009    ·  4 minutes

When you create a startup there are many people to discourage you. The most common refrain is “this … Continuer la lecture de « The value of positive advisors »


Entrepreneurs: Global Heroes!

mars 18, 2009    ·  < 1 minute

There is a great series of articles on entrepreneurship in the latest Economist. Check them out:


Change in angel investment strategy

novembre 24, 2008    ·  2 minutes

Over the past few years, my angel investing strategy has been to be very selectively aggressive. I would … Continuer la lecture de « Change in angel investment strategy »


VCs are not sheep – why VCs invest less during downturns

novembre 19, 2008    ·  3 minutes

As an entrepreneur, I often find myself defending venture capitalists. For some reason, they have acquired a terrible … Continuer la lecture de « VCs are not sheep – why VCs invest less during downturns »


Ten tips to ride the economic slowdown

octobre 24, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

After all the dire warnings given by various VCs, here is a more positive list of recommendations sent … Continuer la lecture de « Ten tips to ride the economic slowdown »


Psychology of an Entrepreneur

octobre 23, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

Kevin O’Connor came across a few interesting studies on what makes entrepreneurs tick: 1. Need to control and … Continuer la lecture de « Psychology of an Entrepreneur »


What the financial crisis means to entrepreneurs

octobre 14, 2008    ·  3 minutes

Last March I explained why startups should raise as much money as possible to prepare for the upcoming … Continuer la lecture de « What the financial crisis means to entrepreneurs »

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