If you are white and in graduate school you are a cliche :)

mars 5, 2008    ·    < 1 min read

This article is hilarious: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/2008/03/04/81-graduate-school/ Most of the posts are great as well! You can recognize yourself in … Continuer la lecture de « If you are white and in graduate school you are a cliche 🙂 »


Pinky & The Brain by Steven Spielberg

mars 5, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

Many of my friends used to call me “The Brain” for some reason 🙂 If you have never … Continuer la lecture de « Pinky & The Brain by Steven Spielberg »


Entourage is great!

mars 4, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

I am on an HBO binge. After watching all of Sex and the City and Rome in order … Continuer la lecture de « Entourage is great! »


The first half of Season 4 of Lost is a masterpiece!

mars 3, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

I watched the last three episodes of Lost on abc.com very early this morning. The HD streaming quality … Continuer la lecture de « The first half of Season 4 of Lost is a masterpiece! »


Wall Street Meltdown

février 8, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

The phenomenal video “Here comes another bubble” by the Richter Scales (see: http://www.fabricegrinda.com/?p=274) inspired this great video on … Continuer la lecture de « Wall Street Meltdown »


Amazing Art Works – Part 3

janvier 31, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

Worry not, it’s my last post with these 🙂


Rogue French trader Jerome Kerviel was forced to work 30 hours a week!

janvier 30, 2008    ·  < 1 minute

Friends of rogue trader Jerome Kerviel last night blamed his $7 billion losses on unbearable levels of stress … Continuer la lecture de « Rogue French trader Jerome Kerviel was forced to work 30 hours a week! »


Amazing Art Works – Part 2

janvier 30, 2008    ·  < 1 minute


Amazing Art Works!

janvier 28, 2008    ·  < 1 minute


Phenomenal skit on the subprime market

décembre 1, 2007    ·  < 1 minute

You have to love the dry British humor 🙂


Remarkable video: battle at Kruger National Park

octobre 10, 2007    ·  < 1 minute

Watch this amazing video of lions, a crocodile and buffalo fighting for a baby water buffalo.


Effortless, informal writing :)

octobre 7, 2007    ·  < 1 minute

It’s interesting how much effort we actually put in appearing effortless and informal in our writing. I was … Continuer la lecture de « Effortless, informal writing 🙂 »


Great Craigslist Post and Reply

octobre 5, 2007    ·  3 minutes

Funnily enough several of my friends thought I had posted the reply you will read below 🙂 What … Continuer la lecture de « Great Craigslist Post and Reply »


Think about it before committing yourself :)

août 2, 2007    ·  < 1 minute

The French have some extremely creative ads. This series of 3 TV ads was created for a prepaid … Continuer la lecture de « Think about it before committing yourself 🙂 »


The Inspiration for the Aucland TV Ad

juillet 10, 2007    ·  < 1 minute

In many ways the Aucland TV ad, shown below was great. It won a Silver Lion in Cannes … Continuer la lecture de « The Inspiration for the Aucland TV Ad »


The funniest prank ever!

octobre 30, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

Next time a telemarketer calls you, think of doing the following: http://howtoprankatelemarketer.ytmnd.com/ I had not laughed that hard … Continuer la lecture de « The funniest prank ever! »

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