Silicon Cabarete MVP

11月 20, 2014    ·    3 min read

It is common knowledge that it’s unwise to fight Russia in the winter. As such, I have been trying to convince my programmers in Ukraine (and Romania) to move to Cabarete. The setting and quality of life are extraordinary in Cabarete. Besides, I would much rather fly to Cabarete for in person meetings and have everyone on New York’s time zone, rather than have to deal with a 7 hour time difference and flying 11 hours on Ukrainian Airlines several times a year.


The Case for Optimism

12月 18, 2013    ·  8 minutes


How to launch your startup

7月 18, 2013    ·  2 minutes


Am I ambitious enough?

5月 22, 2013    ·  2 minutes

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