Moments (incorrectly) attributed to Jorge Luis BorgesMoments (incorrectly) attributed to Jorge Luis BorgesMoments (incorrectly) attributed to Jorge Luis Borges

While in Argentina, I came across this inspiring poem. Carpe diem!


If I could live my life again
I’d try to make more mistakes,
I wouldn’t try to be so perfect,
I’d be more relaxed,
I’d be more true-to-life than I was.

In fact, I’d take fewer things seriously,
I’d be less hygienic,
I’d take more risks,
I’d take more trips,
I’d watch more sunsets,
I’d climb more mountains,
I’d swim more rivers,
I’d go to more places I’ve never been,
I’d eat more ice cream and less lime beans,
I’d have more real problems and less imaginary ones.

I was one of those people who live prudent and prolific lives each minute of their existence.
Of course did I have moments of joy yet if I could go back I’d try to have good moments only.
In case you don’t know: that’s what life is made of.

I was one of those who never go anywhere,
without a thermometer,
without a hot-water bottle,
without an umbrella,
without a parachute.

If I could live again
I’d travel light,
I’d try to work barefoot,
from Spring to Fall,
I’d ride more carts,
I’d watch more sunrises,
play with more kids.

If I could live my life again
– but now I am 85,
and I know I am dying.

You can also read the original in Spanish.

  • Fabrice, you must read “el aleph” a story of Borges, its the most incredible literature right in your hands, when you read it its blows your brain. I could not get the english version, but here is the link for the spanish version, hope you know some spanish, if not try to get it in english. Really try to read it, have no words to describe it, so check it out.

  • I love this poem is not only sensible, this magnificent poem teaches some life lessons
    Dont waste time trying to live correctly maybe this would make you unhappy … just need to always be you.. and dont forget to smile , let things work naturally… I think this is the real way of living this life
    And pls dont forget to concentrate on being happy

  • such a beautiful and real poem about life…yes, happiness comes from living the moments everyday…the small wins daily, folks…that is the beautiful life !!!

  • He did something great before he past away for sure. Nothing is ever too late if you start now 🙂

  • I feel this describes my life fully. In fact this has impacted me so much and I danvrelate to this so much that I am going to change myvway f life competely.

  • Love this poem. I am going to change a lifetime of habits and try to live my life as this poem says. I dont want to look back and feel I have missed the train. Xxx