Cum își obține FJ Labs fluxul de tranzacții

august 24, 2020    ·    5 min read

FJ Labs primește fluxul de tranzacții din 4 surse: 1. Alte fonduri de capital de risc2. Antreprenorii din … Continuă lectura „Cum își obține FJ Labs fluxul de tranzacții”


How to build and invest in marketplace startups with Grace Gong

iulie 10, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

Grace Gong invited me to her podcast. We discuss:   Creating a better marketplace platform  Making better investments … Continuă lectura „How to build and invest in marketplace startups with Grace Gong”


Strategia de investiții a FJ Labs

iunie 30, 2020   ·  20 min read

Abordarea investițională a FJ Labs provine din rădăcinile sale (citiți Geneza FJ Labs). FJ Labs este o extensie … Continuă lectura „Strategia de investiții a FJ Labs”


BOLD Series: The Future of Marketplaces

iunie 25, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

I was invited to share my vision on the future of marketplaces for the BOLD Awards. I cover:


20 Minutes from the Future

iunie 15, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

I had an interesting conversation with Andrea Dusi. We discussed:• The role of startups during the pandemic.• Why … Continuă lectura „20 Minutes from the Future”


Geneza FJ Labs

iunie 3, 2020   ·  9 min read

Eram pe punctul de a începe o serie de postări pe piețe care să acopere modul în care … Continuă lectura „Geneza FJ Labs”


Transcript of All Things Marketplaces

aprilie 28, 2020   ·  41 min read

My conversation with Erik Torenberg was so rich that I decided to transcribe it for those who did … Continuă lectura „Transcript of All Things Marketplaces”


COVID-19 – 11 Fabrice Grinda – Survivre : le seul KPI du moment

aprilie 24, 2020   ·  2 min read

Discussion sympa avec Matthieu de Generation Do It Yourself sur COVID, l’economie, les startups Pour ce 11ème épisode … Continuă lectura „COVID-19 – 11 Fabrice Grinda – Survivre : le seul KPI du moment”


FJ Labs Marketplace Matrix

aprilie 7, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

In venture there is a reasonably clear set of expectations of where you need to be by when … Continuă lectura „FJ Labs Marketplace Matrix”


The global economy and its impact on startups in the time of COVID-19

martie 20, 2020   ·  14 min read

In February I suggested that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease it causes may be the black … Continuă lectura „The global economy and its impact on startups in the time of COVID-19”


The Entrepreneur Insight

martie 12, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

I had the pleasure of chatting with Thomas Reck on The Entrepreneur Insight.  We had a varied conversation … Continuă lectura „The Entrepreneur Insight”


COVID-19 may be the black swan that pushes the global economy into recession

februarie 24, 2020   ·  4 min read

If there is one thing that businesses and individuals hate even more than bad news, it’s uncertainty. Even … Continuă lectura „COVID-19 may be the black swan that pushes the global economy into recession”


The Best Gadgets to Film your Ski Exploits

februarie 18, 2020   ·  3 min read

As many of you know I am addicted to skiing fresh powder. Every winter I head to the … Continuă lectura „The Best Gadgets to Film your Ski Exploits”


All Things Marketplaces

februarie 11, 2020   ·  < 1 min read

Listen to “All Things Marketplaces with Fabrice Grinda” on Spreaker. I had a very in depth conversation with … Continuă lectura „All Things Marketplaces”


FJ Labs 2019 Year in Review

ianuarie 28, 2020   ·  2 min read


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