More Great Entrepreneurship Quotes

22 апреля, 2006    ·    < 1 min read

The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. Peter F. Drucker … Читать далее «More Great Entrepreneurship Quotes»


Immigration and the lump of labor fallacy

17 апреля, 2006   ·  2 min read

I have been appalled recently by the low quality of the debate on immigration from politicians throughout the … Читать далее «Immigration and the lump of labor fallacy»


Great Quote!

11 апреля, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able … Читать далее «Great Quote!»


The cat is out of the bag, the curtains have been pulled :)

5 апреля, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

As made explicit by my April 1 “press releases,” I am now co-CEO of OLX ( and Chairman … Читать далее «The cat is out of the bag, the curtains have been pulled :)»


Allmydata Announces Worldwide Predictive Data Storage and Partnerships with Google, Dell and Microsoft

1 апреля, 2006   ·  2 min read

San Francisco CA — Apr. 1, 2006 In a joint statement, Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Dell (NASDAQ:DELL), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), and … Читать далее «Allmydata Announces Worldwide Predictive Data Storage and Partnerships with Google, Dell and Microsoft»


OLX acquires eBay and Craigslist

1 апреля, 2006   ·  2 min read

Saturday April 1, 2006, 8:00 am ET NEW YORK — Apr. 1, 2006 — OLX, the new leader … Читать далее «OLX acquires eBay and Craigslist»


France or the Imaginary World :)

1 апреля, 2006   ·  2 min read

There is something highly ironic about seeing hundreds of thousands of students in France demonstrate against the CPE … Читать далее «France or the Imaginary World :)»


Entrepreneurs or the invisible men of the economy!

19 марта, 2006   ·  3 min read

As an economist at heart and by training, I found the following article in The Economist fascinating as … Читать далее «Entrepreneurs or the invisible men of the economy!»


DineroMail or starting to pull back the curtain

16 марта, 2006   ·  2 min read

While summarizing my trip in Argentina in January, I did not mention that I spent 10 days in … Читать далее «DineroMail or starting to pull back the curtain»


Time Allocation Philosophy

8 марта, 2006   ·  2 min read

Life is essentially a large prioritization exercise – how much time you allocate to work, your significant other, … Читать далее «Time Allocation Philosophy»


Communication Philosophy

8 марта, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

To date, I have not really talked about what I am working on – partly because I was … Читать далее «Communication Philosophy»


California Calling

24 февраля, 2006   ·  2 min read

I spent the past two weeks in the Bay Area. I am happy to report that the spirit … Читать далее «California Calling»


Sometimes it pays to be lucky!

13 февраля, 2006   ·  2 min read

As you might have read in my post on “The Power of Introspection and Detached Analysis” after I … Читать далее «Sometimes it pays to be lucky!»


In Praise of Premium Services

6 февраля, 2006   ·  2 min read

In this Web 2.0 world free services have been all the rage – from social networking to photo … Читать далее «In Praise of Premium Services»


Сила интроспекции и отстраненного анализа

31 января, 2006   ·  14 min read

Время от времени мы сталкиваемся с необходимостью принять решение, которое изменит нашу жизнь. Мы достигаем перекрестков, где выбранный … Читать далее «Сила интроспекции и отстраненного анализа»


Entrepreneurship: The Game

19 января, 2006   ·  < 1 min read

As a champion of entrepreneurship, I can only applaud the charitable Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, headed by Carl … Читать далее «Entrepreneurship: The Game»

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