The Ricther Scales should update “Here Comes Another Bubble”

اپریل 11, 2011    ·    2 min read

I posted the video when it first came out in 2007 and watched it again this morning and … "The Ricther Scales should update “Here Comes Another Bubble” " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


A SuperAngel’s Investment Guide

فروری 11, 2011    ·  12 minutes

In recent years I came to realize how much I truly love angel investing: I get to meet … "A SuperAngel’s Investment Guide " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Should you raise money from VCs? If so, how should you pick your VC?

نومبر 4, 2010    ·  3 minutes

It has become part of the conventional entrepreneur wisdom that you should raise an angel round, then a … "Should you raise money from VCs? If so, how should you pick your VC? " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


The Secret History of Silicon Valley

اکتوبر 25, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

Great Google Tech Talk by Steve Blank on the military origins of Silicon Valley.


Angelgate is overblown!

ستمبر 24, 2010    ·  4 minutes

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy and some of the Hitler Angelgate … "Angelgate is overblown! " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Just Manic Enough: Seeking Perfect Entrepreneurs

ستمبر 21, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

I had written about how America’s success might be because America’s entrepreneurs are hypomanics (Hypomanics to the rescue … "Just Manic Enough: Seeking Perfect Entrepreneurs " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


What to do with your millions

اگست 19, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

One of the wonders of entrepreneurship is that sometimes we can get lucky and make millions. Paul Buchheit … "What to do with your millions " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Great article on the future of startup funding: Founders vs. Angels vs. VCs!

اگست 14, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

Paul Graham wrote another great article on the future of startup funding. Read it at:


Great article on what happened to Yahoo

اگست 13, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

Paul Graham just wrote another fantastic article, this time covering what happened to Yahoo. Read it at:


Google just acquired Lab Pixies, one of my portfolio companies!

اپریل 27, 2010    ·  2 minutes

I am glad to report that Google just acquired Lab Pixies, one of my portfolio companies. Lab Pixies … "Google just acquired Lab Pixies, one of my portfolio companies! " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


French Entrepreneur Dinner

اپریل 21, 2010    ·  5 minutes

My entrepreneur dinners have become somewhat of a tradition on my visits to Paris. They allow me to … "French Entrepreneur Dinner " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Three Cheers for Jason Calacanis!

اپریل 9, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

I don’t really know Jason. I sublet some office space from him in the early days of Zingy … "Three Cheers for Jason Calacanis! " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


My speech at TEDx Paris (in English)

اپریل 5, 2010    ·  5 minutes

Last January, I was privileged to be invited to speak in French at the first TEDx Paris. They … "My speech at TEDx Paris (in English) " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Malcolm Gladwell is wrong!

اپریل 4, 2010    ·  3 minutes

I usually find much to agree with in Malcolm Gladwell’s writing, be it in Outliers or his collection … "Malcolm Gladwell is wrong! " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


Why entrepreneurs should never retire!

مارچ 26, 2010    ·  3 minutes

This poem about an idling Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson brings to mind what might happen to an entrepreneur … "Why entrepreneurs should never retire! " پڑھنا جاری رکھیں


My speech at TEDx Paris on the love of entrepreneurship

فروری 8, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

For the French speakers among you.

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