Zero to $1 billion

Most business books cover what it takes for large businesses to get even larger. Very few have covered what it takes to go from $0 to $1 billion in revenues. David Thomson, a former McKinsey consultant, has remedied that.

It’s interesting that for those companies rapid growth started after they hit a threshold of $50 million in annual revenues. Their sales soared from there reaching $1 billion rapidly: 4 years for eBay and Google and 6 years for Starbucks.

He identifies the same seven traits that these businesses share.

You can read the article in Fortune Small Business at:

  • Hey Fabrice,
    you ever thought about doing a book yourself?
    I’m reading Zero-to-IPO by David Smith at present. He acknowledges a Fabrice in the front. Anything to do with you?

  • Because you’re too busy or because you don’t want to reveal your secrets whilst still using them? 🙂

    What about an audio book, an extended story / interview over multiple chapters with someone like Greg Galant?

    That would be cool.

  • I might eventually write a book, but probably not at the same time as I am running a company, so don’t count on it for a few years.

    I don’t think David Smith is referring to me. I answered the questions of several authors writing books on entrepreneurship, but I don’t recall a David Smith.

  • I would love for you to write a book, as suggested in some of the comments 🙂
    Although, to be honest, I’m loving the readthrough of unaltered and historical blog posts here.