Great Discussion with Ron Chernow on George Washington

Ron Chernow is one of my favorite authors. He wrote amazing epic biographies on Alexander Hamilton and Rockefeller amongst others. He recently released a biography on George Washington called Washington: A Life. He spoke with Jon Meacham at the New York Public Library last September about his new book.

My good friend Joyce Pustilnik recently pointed me to the fascinating podcast of that discussion which I am attaching for your listening pleasure.

I have not bought his new book yet, but it’s definitely on my to-read list!

Top 10 Holiday Gadgets Buying Guide

The wives and girlfriends of my friends have been asking me for recommendations so I decided to share the analysis for all gadget lovers of the world to be happy this holiday season 🙂

Video Game: Call of Duty: Black Ops

There are lots of great games out in the market right now: Red Dead Redemption, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Vanquish and Civilization V in particular come to mind for single player fun. However in terms of pure unadulterated multiplayer fun nothing trumps Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game mechanics are very similar to Modern Warfare 2 and that’s a great thing. It’s the game to get this holiday season.

It’s fantastic on all platforms, but I am partial to the Xbox 360 versionbecause more of my friends are on the Xbox, and I only play this game with friends. The multiplayer experience is also more competitive on the Xbox than on the PS3. The PC version is fantastic as well, but you need a super powerful computer. Besides more of my friends play it on consoles than on PC and I actually prefer playing first person shooters on consoles.

Digital Camera: Panasonic Lumix ZS7 or LX5

I am very sensitive to weight when it comes to digital cameras. I want something that fits in my pocket in all circumstances which is why I am not recommending any of the SLR cameras because experience suggests you end up not taking them with you all the time. This is why I am recommending high-end compact cameras. In this category the Lumix ZS7 and the Lumix LX5 are the best by far.

The one you should get depends on your specific use case. They both have 3” screens and HD movie recording. The ZS7 costs $250, is fully automated and has an amazing 16x optical zoom. If you take a lot of sports shots from far away, your kids playing soccer for instance (or in my case kite surfing or skiing pictures and videos), it’s the one to get.

The LX5 costs $400, has a 3.8x optical zoom and comes with an impressive array of customization options. What sets it apart is its amazing picture quality, especially in low light. If you take a lot of pictures indoors, dinner parties for instance, it’s the one to get!

Note that in many circumstances an iPhone 4 can do the trick as well. There is no zoom and a weak flash, but it’s fantastic for taking impromptu pictures and sharing them on Facebook. It even has good low light quality.

Phone: iPhone 4

I have predicted that Android will ultimately beat out iOS to be the dominant smartphone platform. Android phones are already outselling iPhones 2 to 1 and the AT&T network famously sucks in New York and San Francisco. That said, no Android phone on the market currently matches the slickness of the iPhone 4 interface, the quality of its applications and the quality of its screen and digital camera. Several phones get close and my recommendation might change with LTE Gingerbread (Android 2.3) phones on Verizon in 2011, but for now the iPhone 4 is the phone to get!

Computer: Sony Vaio Z (with the new 13” Macbook Air as a runner up)

If you are ready to splurge, the Sony Vaio Z is hands down the fastest compact notebook on the market right now. Its specs and speed are second to none: 3 pounds, a 13” 1080p (1920*1080) screen, a Core i7 processor, a 1Gb Nvidia GT 330M graphic card, a superfast 256Gb Raid 0 SSD hard drive (with a 512Gb option), 8Gb of memory, an internal DVD player (or optional internal Blu-ray player and burner) and a 5 hour removable battery. Buy it directly on to get the options you want.

If you are a Mac lover, the new 13” Macbook Air is the computer to get. It has the best design of any notebook on the market. Unfortunately, it only has a Core 2 Duo processor, a 1440*900 resolution screen, you can only install up to 4Gb of memory, its 256Gb SSD drive is superfast but slower than the Sony’s Raid 0 256Gb SSD drive, it has a much slower 256Gb Nvidia Geforce 320M graphic card, no internal DVD player, and a non-removable battery. It’s not nearly as good as the Sony, but if you are wedded to Mac OS, this is the notebook to get.

Game Console: Xbox 360 – with Kinect if you have kids

A few years ago my recommendation would have been different. The Wii was definitely the console to get for kids and families. For hardcore gamers the decision between the Xbox 360 and the PS3 mostly came down to which exclusive franchise games you preferred (Gears of War or Halo vs. Drake Unchartered). For the most part the Xbox had the edge: it had more and better exclusive games, a better multiplayer experience and better graphics despite worse specs because it was easier for developers to make games for the Xbox. Many hard core gamers actually got both the Xbox and the PS3, both to use the latter as a Blu-ray player and for its exclusive games.

In the past year, with the introduction of the the Kinect and the Playstation Move, the Wii’s advantage with kids and casual games has fallen by the way side, especially considering its increasingly dated graphics. The PS3 has also closed the gap with the Xbox. Its online experience has improved, the roster of exclusive games has increased (Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain), and developers are finally figuring out how to make use of its processing power and games now have equivalent graphic quality to those of the Xbox 360 and in some cases surpass them.

However, for Xbox 360 remains the console of choice. It has still has by far the best online experience both for multiplayer gaming and watching movies – be it on Zune or Netflix, the controller fits better in your hand and it’s a better deal. If you don’t have kids, you don’t need to buy the Kinect unless you want to do great video conference calls from your living room. Just get the Xbox 360 with Call of Duty: Black Ops, Red Dead Redemption, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Vanquish and Gears of War 2. If you have kids, definitely get a Kinect with Dance Central.

eReader: The Kindle


The new Kindle is great. If you are an avid book reader, ereaders are fantastic and the Kindle is the best of the bunch. I got tired of lugging books with me and switched to the Kindle and have not looked back! It’s light, easy to read in all environments and has amazing battery life. You could get away with reading a few books on the iPad, but your eyes and arm eventually tire out so if you read a lot the Kindle is the ereader to get.

You should probably buy the 3G version. Even if you don’t anticipate using it, it’s useful on the off chance you get caught somewhere with nothing to read and no wifi coverage. The extra $50 is well worth the price of having the world’s largest library at your fingertips anytime, anywhere.

Tablet PC: iPad

If you have kids definitely get an iPad. They find it intuitive and love the games! If not, it depends on your use case. A few people use it as a notebook replacement in meetings or when traveling, but I don’t like typing with it and its support for Office files is not great (many PPT graphs don’t show up for instance). It’s effective as a bedside or living room web browser or to use as a video player at the gym. If you have a use case, definitely get one. If you are considering a netbook, get an iPad instead.

Webcam: Microsoft LifeCam Studio

This $99 webcam is amazing! It has a 1080p widescreen sensor, great low light quality and a fantastic microphone. If you do many Skype calls, it’s the webcam to get!

Remote Controlled Car: Traxxas E-Revo Brushless (5608)

Given noise complaints from my neighbors I switched all my remote controlled vehicles to electric. The Traxxas E-Revo Brushless truck is a monster! It’s huge – 23 inches long, 9 inches and basically unbreakable! Get it with Lipo batteries (buy two Tenergy 11.1V 5000 mAH 25C Lipo batteries with a Venom Pro Lipo Charger with Power Supply) and it goes 65 mph!

The car is ready to run out of the box so even if you have never assembled RC products before you should be set. Note that you need a very big space to make it run – 65 mph is superfast!

You can buy everything at and on Amazon. If you break anything just type the part number on ehobbies and it shows up directly. The Traxxas folks are also very friendly and provide great support.


Remote Controlled Plane: E-Flite Apprentice 15e RTF

The Apprentice is a great first plane. It costs $299. It comes almost fully assembled (you essentially just need to glue the wings together) with everything you need out of the box. It’s super stable and amazingly durable. It can handle many crashes and most parts are cheap to replace (a new set of wings is less than $40). The plane can also do basic acrobatics once you are up for it (loops, inverted flying). If you have a place to fly it, it’s tons of fun!


不,不, 蘋果的股票還沒有被降級!我指的是從7月開始,我把每月的支出除以4。

這並不是說我在經濟上受到傷害,恰恰相反。 今年是我有史以來第二好的一年。 到目前為止,我出售了 5 家投資組合公司(還有 3 家正在出售中),今年到目前為止我投資了 21 家公司(還有更多公司正在籌備中)。 只有 2004 年,也就是我賣掉 Zingy 的那一年,今年就相形見絀了。

我每月支出的增加是漸進的。 2004 年 5 月,當我賣掉 Zingy 時,我的生活方式沒有任何改變。 自2002年以來,我一直租著那套小公寓。 我仍然乘坐長途汽車。 我沒有買任何東西來慶祝——主要是因為我真正覺得我需要的東西是我生活中所缺乏的。 我已經有一台快速的電腦、一台等離子電視、一台 Xbox、網球拍和滑雪靴。 我還能需要或想要什麼? 🙂

我在一個名叫加州大學洛杉磯分校的黃色實驗室長大。 他是我最忠誠的伴侶和知己,也是無條件的愛的不斷提供者。 因此,我一直很喜歡大狗,渴望有一天我能再次養狗。 話雖如此,我覺得在紐約養一隻大狗是不合適的,因為這對狗和我來說都是一種折磨。 2005年,我決定買一套週末的房子。 規格是,從市區乘火車不到40分鐘,從火車站乘車不到10分鐘,佔地至少2英畝,靠近一所偉大的網球學院。 我在華盛頓港附近的金沙角村找到了一棟漂亮的房子。 它有 3.7 英畝的土地,就在海灘上,乘坐特快列車 35 分鐘即可到達市區,距離華盛頓港網球學院 5 分鐘即可到達。 是時候得到我一直想要的狗了。 我顯然想要一個像加州大學洛杉磯分校那樣的雄性黃色實驗室,而我當時的女朋友想要一隻雌性羅威納犬。 我們妥協了,得到了兩者:哈佛,一個痙攣瘋狂的白球,以及世界上最聰明、最可愛、最可愛的狗巴希拉(當然,在我完全不偏不倚的觀點中,:)!

這所房子提供了一個令人驚歎的島嶼,可以擺脫紐約城市叢林的瘋狂,並成為常規遊樂場。 我扔了大量的燒烤,撲克遊戲,每周打幾次網球,直到幾年前我的膝蓋受傷,並建立了一個永久性的彩彈射擊場,從5月到9月幾乎每個星期六都有遊戲。 我們每天都和小狗一起玩,還把房子作為我的遙控汽車和飛機的基地。

在房子之外,沒有太大的變化。 我住在城裡的同一間公寓里,仍然坐長途汽車。 我還確保每年花幾周時間進行冒險旅行,但這些體驗相當便宜,並且對我的預算影響不大(例如,我最近在卡拉勞停留的 6 天花費了 144 美元!

2008年是我個人燃燒率真正提高的一年。 2008年初,我住的那棟樓(西63街30號)決定不再是出租樓,而是開始出售公寓。 由於我無法續租,我開始尋找新公寓。 我的首席財務官偶然在公園大道南240號(19th & Park)發現了一棟華麗的新建築,我在7月份搬進了一棟美麗的超現代,2,300平方英尺,3間臥室,3.5間浴室的公寓,有一個1,000平方英尺的環繞式露台和令人驚歎的落地窗,天花板為13英尺。

幾乎同時(幾個月前),我租了一輛華麗的阿斯頓馬丁 V8 Vantage 2 年。 我一直很喜歡快車,在法國的賽道上開快車和比賽。 我甚至參加了三級方程式賽車,並駕駛了幾次一級方程式賽車。 我從小就渴望保時捷、法拉利和蘭博基尼。 事實上,當我賣掉 Zingy 時,我去了蘭博基尼經銷商,準備買一輛黃色的 Gallardo。 不幸的是,身高 6 英尺 3 英寸,軀幹很長,我不適合很多跑車,這嚴重限制了我的購物清單。 此外,當我賣掉 Zingy 時(當時我 29 歲),我已經失去了童年時對保時捷 911 的喜愛,發現法拉利炫耀而俗氣(儘管華麗的法拉利 458 Italia 讓我重新審視了這一價值判斷)。 只有當我把目光投向 V8 Vantage 及其華麗的線條時,我才找到了真愛。

不幸的是,汽車和公寓都令人失望。 V8 Vantage 是世界上最漂亮的汽車(同樣,在我完全公正的意見中:)。 如果汽車的其餘部分與它的外觀相匹配,我會很樂意保留它。 事實上,這輛車非常漂亮,儘管它有缺點,但我幾乎做到了! 然而,儘管它具有吸引力和加速能力(0-60 在 4.8 秒內),但它不是駕駛員的汽車。 它在有風的道路上處理得很糟糕,尤其是地面上有礫石或樹葉。 這輛車在賽道上感覺不舒服,在高速行駛時容易出現瘋狂的過度轉向。 而且,這輛車根本無法處理雪。 儘管有雪地輪胎,我還是無法爬上 7-8 度的山坡,地面上只有幾英寸! 將這些缺點與長島賽道的關閉相結合,離開最近的賽道幾個小時的路程,Sands Point 的低速限制,員警除了分發超速罰單外別無他法,如果你超過限速 5 英里/小時,或者如果你不貼上前車牌,他們會阻止你(我不願意這樣做,因為它帶走了汽車的美麗線條),我不情願地決定歸還汽車。 取而代之的是,我有一輛更實用的(至少可以帶小狗四處走動)奧迪 Q5,租期為 2 年。

這麼漂亮的公寓背後的想法是用它來娛樂。 在某種程度上,它達到了它的目的。 我舉辦慈善活動、知識沙龍、經常性的撲克遊戲、 親密活動以及與朋友和大型聚會共進晚餐 。 考慮到紐約餐飲的質量和相對較低的成本,我也開始意識到在城市舉辦大型活動是多麼容易。 不幸的是,我沒有預見到在我的私人公寓里社交的所有負面後果。

我的第一次喬遷/白人派對非常成功,大約有 150 名美麗的參與者,口口相傳導致 400 人無法管理地參加下一次派對。 有這麼多人,活動就不那麼愉快了,因為你不能四處走動或與任何人交談。 對於下一次聚會,我設置了一份客人名單,並向大樓里的門衛提供了一些建議,以執行它。 在一周內,該建築通過了一項「禁止僱用門衛擔任其建築角色之外的角色」的政策。 為了下一次聚會,我僱了自己的門衛,在大廳里對人們進行篩查。 不利的一面是,它在大樓前排起了長隊,幾天之內,大樓就通過了“禁止外部雇員在大廳工作”的政策。 然後我把門衛搬到了我的公寓里。 對於下一個派對,我聘請了一個現場樂隊,這顯然導致了“沒有現場樂隊”的政策。 接下來的萬聖節派對是史詩般的。 它是由一位朋友共同主持的,他邀請了梅西百貨的所有模特,它有一個很棒的 DJ,一直持續到早上 6 點。 可以想像,幾天之內,大樓就通過了晚上 11 點後沒有 DJ 和音樂的政策。

在我的智力和慈善事業上,我沒有比這更好的運氣了。 我為其中一個沙龍的公寓安裝了麥克風和揚聲器 ,在那裡我們邀請了馬修·畢曉普(Matthew Bishop)、美國《經濟學人》(The Economist)的主編雪麗·帕爾默(Shelly Palmer)和其他幾位嘉賓作為演講嘉賓。 幾天之內,該建築通過了“禁止卡拉OK法”。 然後,我舉辦了一些慈善活動,有幾百名出席者,他們為慈善機構籌集資金。 該建築隨後通過了「私人單位禁止商務工作」 的政策。 他們基本上通過了「建築物中沒有法布裡斯」的規則。 租用這個美麗的地方的全部意義在於娛樂,但他們不可能這樣做(儘管我邀請了整個建築參加每個活動)。 到最後,情況變得如此糟糕,如果我晚上 10 點在電視上看《迷失》,他們會打電話給員警抱怨噪音!

考慮到我在公寓里度過的時間很少,這更加煩人。 我並不是經常舉辦活動。 我每年有6個多月的時間在路上,主要是在阿根廷、巴西、中國、印度和俄羅斯的OLX辦事處,但也會在南非或世界各地的會議上會見我們的投資者。 事實上,今年前 10 個月中有 8 個月我都在路上度過。 更糟糕的是,即使我在紐約,我實際上每周在金沙角度過 4 天,每周在城市度過 3 天。 因此,我認為我每個月舉辦的活動不會超過2場。 去年,我在公寓里呆了不到60天,今年不到30天。

當我第一次搬進新樓時,我也忍受了搬進新樓的所有痛苦。 在最初的幾個月里,暖氣和熱水都不起作用。 窗戶漏氣,牆上漏水。 電子系統反覆出現故障。 7個月後,所有的故障都得到了修復,但處理所有事情都很痛苦。 一旦一切都準備好了,我實際上非常喜歡這個公寓(除了煩人的鄰居),但我在新地方並不比在舊地方更快樂(我的平均幸福水準是8.5分(滿分10分)。 此外,雖然我喜歡舉辦活動,但我只和我的親密朋友一起舉辦較小的活動,我也會同樣高興。 畢竟,我總是可以去參加朋友的聚會和沙龍,如果我迫切地想舉辦自己的聚會,甚至可以租一個大型聚會空間!

今年 6 月租約到期時,我顯然沒有續租。 由於所有的旅行,我決定暫時不在城市裡找到一個地方。 當我在城市時,我只是通勤或住在酒店。 在公園大道南 240 號公寓的租金、與公寓相關的每月費用(電纜、互聯網、電力、清潔)、派對費用和阿斯頓馬丁的費用之間,所有這些我現在已經放棄了,並考慮到我談判的金沙角租金的減少,自 6 月以來,我的每月支出水準除以 4。

有趣的是,通過享樂主義的適應,我們適應生活環境變化的過程,無論是好是壞,我的幸福水準根本沒有受到影響。 起初,由於通勤的痛苦,我的社交活動減少了,它確實減少了。 有幾次我只是在晚上錯過了火車,在等待和乘坐非特快列車返回之間花了 2 個小時才回家。 然而,當我開始在一周內住在城裡的酒店或深夜開車回家而不是等火車時,我的幸福感達到了早期的頂峰。

有趣的是,我還必須搬出我在Sands Point的房子。 這裡的鄰居和城裡的鄰居一樣煩人。 去年,他們在Sands Point村通過了一項「禁止氣槍」法。 在那之後,員警在開始后的幾分鐘內就開始關閉我們的彩彈射擊遊戲。 每次我在海灘上遛狗時沒有皮帶(這顯然是違法的)和當我扔大型燒烤(噪音投訴)時,鄰居們也會打電話給員警。 他們還拒絕讓我在這片土地上建一個網球場。 法院本來會被樹木遮擋住,但儘管如此,Sands Point Village需要鄰居的書面授權。 他們顯然很高興沒有把它給我。

因此,我將在一月份搬到威徹斯特的貝德福德,住在一棟佔地 20 英畝的漂亮房子里,周圍環繞著自然公園。 我還說服業主獲得建造網球場的許可。 我們現在應該有足夠的空間來玩所有的樂趣和遊戲! 希望稍長的通勤時間(到中央車站 50 分鐘,而不是賓夕法尼亞車站 35 分鐘)不會有太大問題。 如果是這樣,我會在酒店多花一點時間,或者可能會在城市裡買一套漂亮的一居室或兩居室公寓。

所有這些都會再次增加我的每月消耗量,但它將比以前低 25-50%。 和往常一樣,我仍然乘坐教練,但我有這麼多里程,我現在一直在升級:)我還發現了所有每月儲蓄的一個很好的用途:投資更多的初創公司! 今年我意識到我是多麼熱愛天使投資:我結識了大量年輕的新企業家,我可以看到和聽到市場的最新發展,我可以參與到令人驚歎的公司的發展中!

因此,最好的金融哲學似乎是“一分錢愚蠢,但英鎊明智”。 不要為小額支出而煩惱,這不會影響您的財務狀況並使您的生活更簡單,但要小心大額購買。 此外,最好專注於購買“體驗”而不是實際商品。

撇開這個小小的不對勁不談,在整個經歷中,我學到最多的是,我的個人幸福感受到支出水平的影響是多麼小。 它更多地是由我的人際關係、對我的狗的愛、我個人的成就感以及我能做的所有有趣的活動驅動的——無論是通過冒險旅行還是在離家更近的地方寫博客、網球、電子遊戲、乒乓球、桌上足球、空氣曲棍球、電影、撲克、戲劇等簡單的樂趣! 事實上,即使我不得不放棄一些活動(比如膝蓋受傷后我不得不打網球和滑雪),也總有其他有趣的事情要做!
