Dilbert on McKinsey

নভেম্বর 30, 2006    ·    < 1 min read

As a former McKinsey consultant, I find Scott Adam’s take extremely amusing 🙂


The Red Carpet Syndrome

নভেম্বর 5, 2006    ·  2 minutes

Einat Wilf, a young up and coming Israeli politician and intellectual, wrote an interesting article a few years … Continue reading “The Red Carpet Syndrome”


Floss, brush and rinse – the right way!

নভেম্বর 4, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

It turns out our parents were right. Brushing our teeth, flossing and using Listerine daily does protect us … Continue reading “Floss, brush and rinse – the right way!”


Alexa Question

অক্টোবর 31, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

Let’s say you have a site present in tons of countries – site.fr, site.co.uk, etc. Would any of … Continue reading “Alexa Question”


To new beginnings!

অক্টোবর 27, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

Yesterday, as I was reflecting on this new beginning, I was overcome by great feelings of joy, pride … Continue reading “To new beginnings!”


Rent … unless you want to buy :)

সেপ্টেম্বর 1, 2006    ·  4 minutes

Experts have been arguing for a while that real estate is over-valued by looking at a number of … Continue reading “Rent … unless you want to buy :)”


Parkinson’s law is so true!

আগস্ট 26, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

Parkinson’s Law states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” “Thus, an … Continue reading “Parkinson’s law is so true!”


I’m back :)

আগস্ট 26, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

I am not back to the U.S. yet – I probably won’t be back for another month as … Continue reading “I’m back :)”


It pays to be lucky – part 2

জুলাই 13, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

As I mentioned in a previous post, I had gotten lucky once as a company I had helped … Continue reading “It pays to be lucky – part 2”


Speaking of The Economist

জুন 3, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

I think many people don’t realize how funny it actually is. Their closing sentences for most articles are … Continue reading “Speaking of The Economist”


In praise of The Economist

জুন 2, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

In a world overrun by political correctness and where random local events pass as news for most people, … Continue reading “In praise of The Economist”


The power of gestalt

মে 6, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

I am a big believer in gestalt. A gestalt is what you get when you absorb varying and … Continue reading “The power of gestalt”


Padel: the future of tennis?

মে 6, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

While traveling in Argentina and Spain, I came across an amazingly fun racquet sport called padel. Not to … Continue reading “Padel: the future of tennis?”


Communication Philosophy: Part 2

এপ্রিল 25, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

In my previous post on the topic, I decided I was going to speak more openly about what … Continue reading “Communication Philosophy: Part 2”


Time Allocation Philosophy

মার্চ 8, 2006    ·  2 minutes

Life is essentially a large prioritization exercise – how much time you allocate to work, your significant other, … Continue reading “Time Allocation Philosophy”


Communication Philosophy

মার্চ 8, 2006    ·  < 1 minute

To date, I have not really talked about what I am working on – partly because I was … Continue reading “Communication Philosophy”

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31 – 25 of 25 Posts