Lebewohl Harvard!

August 28, 2014    ·    6 min read

Schon als ich klein war, wusste ich, dass ich einen Hund haben wollte, am liebsten einen Labrador. Ich … „Lebewohl Harvard!“ weiterlesen


2013: The Dawn of a New Beginning

Januar 3, 2014    ·  4 minutes

I spent most of 2013 living with the consequences of the life changing decisions I made in late … „2013: The Dawn of a New Beginning“ weiterlesen


The Case for Optimism

Dezember 18, 2013    ·  8 minutes

We live in difficult times. Financial crisis, sovereign debt crisis, euro crisis, Syrian conflict, global warming. We are … „The Case for Optimism“ weiterlesen


Video of my LeWeb Keynote: The Case for Optimism

Dezember 16, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

Last year I finally resolved my internal cognitive dissonance between my profound optimism about humanity and my pessimism … „Video of my LeWeb Keynote: The Case for Optimism“ weiterlesen


Good karma

Dezember 4, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

I found a wallet on the floor in the Promenade des Anglais this Sunday. I was thinking of … „Good karma“ weiterlesen


The cure for hubris

September 19, 2013    ·  3 minutes

As a species and as individuals we are often shockingly arrogant. We believe, or want to believe, that … „The cure for hubris“ weiterlesen


The end of an era!

August 16, 2013    ·  2 minutes

PC World just exited the print market, marking the exit of the last general-interest PC magazine. I am … „The end of an era!“ weiterlesen


Am I ambitious enough?

Mai 22, 2013    ·  2 minutes

I have been wondering of late if my rational heuristic driven approach to business selection is making me … „Am I ambitious enough?“ weiterlesen


I have a confession to make: I am addicted to white powder!

April 6, 2013    ·  < 1 minute

No not the kind you are thinking about. I am talking about the much more expensive and dangerous … „I have a confession to make: I am addicted to white powder!“ weiterlesen


Raising money from VCs is just like dating!

Februar 20, 2013    ·  4 minutes

The first two times I raised VC money, until success simplified things, it occurred to me how the … „Raising money from VCs is just like dating!“ weiterlesen


2012: A Transition to New Beginnings!

Januar 7, 2013    ·  4 minutes

I spent most of 2012 barreling down the path I set in motion in early 2011 (Looking back … „2012: A Transition to New Beginnings!“ weiterlesen


Das ganz große Downgrade

Dezember 27, 2012    ·  7 minutes

Ich beschloss, mein Leben radikal zu vereinfachen und meine Lebenshaltungskosten durch 10 zu teilen! Ich habe gerade mein … „Das ganz große Downgrade“ weiterlesen


Dear Santa…

Dezember 24, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I have been an exceptionally good boy this year. As you may be struggling with ideas for what … „Dear Santa…“ weiterlesen


Knockerball rocks!

Oktober 29, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

This game is known in France as „bobomimine“ which literally means “my hands are hurting”. I am told … „Knockerball rocks!“ weiterlesen


Die Wirtschaft: Ein optimistisches Gedankenexperiment

Juli 13, 2012    ·  38 minutes

In den letzten Jahren war der Ökonom in mir zutiefst pessimistisch, was das kurz- und mittelfristige wirtschaftliche Schicksal … „Die Wirtschaft: Ein optimistisches Gedankenexperiment“ weiterlesen


If it's in the press it must be true :)

Juni 18, 2012    ·  < 1 minute

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by CNBC. The interview consisted of some pretty open-ended questions about … „If it's in the press it must be true :)“ weiterlesen

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