Fun interview in Le Monde

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Benoit Hopquin from Le Monde last June while I was passing through Paris. He was interviewing a variety of people, Buddhist monks, retirees, etc., for a series on happiness. He had come across my interest on the topic and reached out to me.

We had a really fun conversation and I ended up embodying “happiness in motion”. I have to admit it was a real pleasure to partake in the project as France needs dreams, optimism and happiness more than anything right now.

You can read an extract of the interview at:


  • Fabrice, vous êtes libre, c’est sans doute le plus beau sentiment qui soit. Celui qui manque tant à la France et aux Français.

  • J’adore! Tu as bien raison… That’s what life is about; the only goal to success is just being happy in whatever fufills you and go where the exitement takes you 😉 That is success! I admire this in all souls that are able to get there through the “good”… Encore une fois bravo 😉 Bizzzz PS: Did not pay the 2 Euros to read the rest of the article but I think I got their point… lol