The Master Cleanse Day 11 Update: The End … for Now!

17 августа, 2010    ·    < 1 min read

After 11 days of not eating, the time has come to slowly return to a normal diet. I … Читать далее «The Master Cleanse Day 11 Update: The End … for Now!»


The Master Cleanse: Day 6 Update

12 августа, 2010    ·  3 minutes

In a way, I don’t have too much to report. Living on nothing but lemonade with maple syrup … Читать далее «The Master Cleanse: Day 6 Update»


I just started the Master Cleanse!

8 августа, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

I usually don’t follow faddy diets, especially since I don’t really need to lose weight and if I … Читать далее «I just started the Master Cleanse!»


I guess this means no Ferrari for me :)

6 августа, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

William, my best friend and VP of Marketing at OLX, is in the market for a used Ferrari … Читать далее «I guess this means no Ferrari for me :)»


My speech at TEDx Paris (in English)

5 апреля, 2010    ·  5 minutes

Last January, I was privileged to be invited to speak in French at the first TEDx Paris. They … Читать далее «My speech at TEDx Paris (in English)»


Malcolm Gladwell is wrong!

4 апреля, 2010    ·  3 minutes

I usually find much to agree with in Malcolm Gladwell’s writing, be it in Outliers or his collection … Читать далее «Malcolm Gladwell is wrong!»


Salon at my place

22 марта, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

Last Monday I organized a gathering of smart individuals at my place. To broaden my horizons, I mostly … Читать далее «Salon at my place»


My speech at TEDx Paris on the love of entrepreneurship

8 февраля, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

For the French speakers among you.


The average price of a home in Detroit is $15,000!

12 января, 2010    ·  < 1 minute

Given the Big Three’s difficulties it’s not surprising that Detroit is ailing, but the extent of the pain … Читать далее «The average price of a home in Detroit is $15,000!»


My friend Einat Wilf is in the Knesset!

8 января, 2010    ·  4 minutes

I am so incredibly proud of being able to call Einat my friend. She is one of those … Читать далее «My friend Einat Wilf is in the Knesset!»


Looking back at 2009, looking forward to 2010

31 декабря, 2009    ·  3 minutes

In many ways 2009 was the continuation of 2008. I had the privilege to be surrounded by my … Читать далее «Looking back at 2009, looking forward to 2010»


Cognitive dissonance be damned: I am a pessimistic optimist!

21 октября, 2009    ·  6 minutes

Over the past few years I have often felt like Cassandra with my dire and pessimistic economic predictions. … Читать далее «Cognitive dissonance be damned: I am a pessimistic optimist!»


The power of disconnecting

7 сентября, 2009    ·  2 minutes

I bet that often in your life you have been faced with a seemingly intractable problem. After hours … Читать далее «The power of disconnecting»


An ode to friendship

6 августа, 2009    ·  < 1 minute

I had a fantastic sit down dinner with my best friends to celebrate my 35th birthday this Tuesday. … Читать далее «An ode to friendship»


35: Reflection on the Passage of Time

3 августа, 2009    ·  3 minutes

As I look back on the past 35 years, the overwhelming feeling that shines through is one of … Читать далее «35: Reflection on the Passage of Time»


Bureaucracy in Action

22 апреля, 2009    ·  2 minutes

I had the unfortunate experience of living Parkinson’s Law first hand. Parkinson posited that because people within bureaucracies … Читать далее «Bureaucracy in Action»

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