My friend Auren Hoffman just posted an article arguing that wine is a big scam.
Check it out, I love the sardonic tone:
My friend Auren Hoffman just posted an article arguing that wine is a big scam.
Check it out, I love the sardonic tone:
[…] wrote an interesting post today on Wine is a big scam!Here’s a quick […]
Blasphemy. 🙂
It is true that served blind and same temperature, most people can not even tell if a wine is red or white.
Still, I love it. It is because it tastes good not about alcohol. Wine can be more complex in flavors than virtually any food (it better be if it costs more).
I’m waiting for the French audience to steamroll this post 😉
YUCK….I can tell if its white or red wine by the allergic reaction I get to the white! I think guys generally like red wine and its not for imagined reasons. White is more for the chix. On a health note if you want to get down to really lean state. Say beneath 10% use wine to thin the blood before running. Add a little coffee to jazz you up. Then do 2-4 miles. When all warmed up return and do a full 45 min weight lifting.
@Fred, please, how can you start a paragraph advocating drinking wine, then coffee, then weightlifting with the words “on a health note…” 🙂
I’ve noticed people talk about coffee and chocolate in the same romanticised way as they talk about wine. I think there is a natural instinct to talk-up (bullsh*t) about things we know aren’t good for us really, but we are probably addicted to.
We live in a society and people love status symbols. It is what it is. A product that serves an audience with a need.