Episode 29: The Latest Marketplace Trends

In episode 27, I took a stab at which categories investors and entrepreneurs should focus on for the coming 5 years. In today’s episode, I wanted to cover the themes and trends that emerged in the last 12 months.

Ten trends clearly emerged as we saw them time and time again with a plethora of competitors in every geography. There was no unifying theme across all of them, but four of the trends cover startups that help SMBs and micro-entrepreneurs run their businesses better allowing their owners to focus on what they do best.

For your reference I am including the slides I used during this episode.


B2B FMCG Marketplaces

These marketplaces help bodegas and corner stores automate their operations and improve their sourcing, allowing the store owners to focus on what they do best. This falls squarely in FJ Labs’ thesis covered in episode 4 on B2B marketplaces and the future of work.

There are 50 million independent corner stores worldwide and a slew of marketplaces are helping them obtain better supply, better payment and delivery terms. We saw this emerge first in emerging markets with the likes of Jabu in Namibia, Alerzo in Nigeria and Chiper in Columbia and Mexico, but we are now seeing it in developed markets as well with companies like Vori in the US and Magaloop in Germany.


Superfast Ecommerce

The Internet has always been about better, cheaper, faster, and this trend is best illustrated by the emergence of 15-minute grocery delivery. These online grocers use hundreds of dark stores with typically 3,000 SKUs to be able to deliver in sub-15 minutes in major cities. This was first popularized by Getir in Turkey and Samokat in Russia but is now emerging everywhere.

After the food delivery, ride sharing and scooter wars, this is the new capital war with dozens of well capitalized players going after the space. New York has nearly 10 players jousting for dominance which makes it an amazing time to be a consumer. The user experience is delightful. I receive my orders on average in 8 minutes.

The economics of the business work at scale, however with so many players it’s going to be a bloodbath. We are already seeing consolidation with the shutting down of Fifteen Twenty and rumours of other players up for sale. That said, in the end a $100 billion player will likely emerge from the category.


Amazon 3P Seller Rollups

Amazon marketplace is huge with $300 billion in GMV in 2020 growing 50% per year and there are over 200,000 Amazon sellers earning over $500k per year. Thrasio took the category by storm. It started buying and rolling up independent 3rd party Amazon sellers at low EBITDA multiples (around 3x EBITDA) and bringing their marketing, operational and purchasing efficiencies to bear to improve their scale and profitability. They reached unicorn status in less than 2 years post their seed.

Since then, many others have replicated the model across many geographies and verticals.


Creator/Passion Economy

More and more people are realizing that they can monetize their passion with a small following of true fans. The category came of age with Twitch (video games), Patreon (artists), Cameo (birthday wishes) and Only Fans (porn). However, tools are now being created to help creators in every possible vertical: podcasting, audio content creation, newsletter writers, video course creators, virtual teaching and tutoring, and virtual coaches in every category, helping countless make a living pursuing their passion. There are so many players I did not list them here, but refer to slide 9 of my deck.

In addition, geographic specific equivalents are emerging of all these companies, and many are now harnessing Web3 for the creator economy.


SaaS-Enabled Marketplaces for SMBs

A vertical version of Shopify is seemingly emerging in every vertical to help store owners with their back office, point of sale, marketing, procurements etc. They typically monetize through a combination of payments and new demand brought by their marketplace.

Many companies have already scaled with this strategy reaching hundreds of millions of GMV or more such as Slice in the pizzeria space, Fresha for hairdressers, and Jobox for locksmiths.


Used Car Marketplaces

The pandemic and the supply shortage profoundly increased the willingness of consumers to purchase cars online. This primarily benefited Carvana in the US which saw its market share explode. As the stock multiplied by 15 since IPO, entrepreneurs and VCs everywhere tried to replicate that success with a few emerging leaders such as Cazoo in the UK, Kavak in Mexico, Clutch in Canada, and Spinny in India.

Online B2B car marketplaces also benefited with massive growth at ACV Auctions in the US and CarOnSale in Germany.


Accounting Software for Emerging Market Micro-SMBs

These startups help SMB founders to run their businesses from their cell phones offering free accounting and invoicing. This was pioneered by Khatabook in India which now has over 10 million monthly active merchants and $24 billion in monthly payment volumes. This was replicated in many other countries with companies like Treinta and BukuWarung also reaching meaningful scale.

Right now, none of them are monetizing, but you can imagine potential monetization though payments, factoring, insurance, catalogue and more.


Live Commerce Beyond China

In China, live video shopping makes up 20% of ecommerce with its unique blend of entertainment and shopping, mostly on the incumbent leading ecommerce platforms. Penetration is much lower in the West, but we are seeing a slew of companies attacking the space especially in three verticals: collectibles (Popshop Live, Whatnot, NTWRK), Make-up (Supergreat, Newness), and Fashion (The Lobby). It will be interesting to see if buying habits converge or if live video shopping remains a small percentage of commerce in the West.


Defi & NFTs

As I covered in episode 28, What’s the deal with crypto?, decentralized finance and NFTs both exploded in 2021 with tens of billions of dollars’ worth of transactions. Watch that episode for more details.

I am looking forward to observing the trends that emerge over the next 12 months!

If you prefer, you can listen to the episode in the embedded podcast player:

In addition to the above Youtube video and embedded podcast player, you can also listen to the podcast on:

My conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators

I had a fantastic and far ranging conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators about my path to entrepreneurship and investing, my love of marketplaces and all things FJ Labs.

Their Episode Description:

My guest, on the 4th episode of Venture is Eating the Investment World, is Fabrice Grinda, entrepreneur, angel investor, and founder of FJ Labs, a venture capital firm that backs a diversified portfolio of startups in marketplace businesses. The firm takes a founder-friendly, non-institutional approach, employing heuristics to formulate quick decisions.

Our conversation covers Fabrice’s path as a serial entrepreneur and lessons learned building and investing in marketplaces. We discuss FJ Lab’s unique investment process focused on four investment heuristics and expeditious decision making. We then turn to its position in the venture ecosystem and investable themes in the coming years.

You can listen to the episode in the embedded podcast player:

In addition to the above embedded podcast player, you can also listen to the podcast on:


世界仍然深陷于持续的大流行病所带来的个人和经济损失之中,但随着我的儿子弗朗索瓦-奥利维耶-让-保罗-格林达(François Olivier Jean-Paul Grinda)于 2021 年 5 月 18 日出生,我的人生达到了一个新的巅峰。 我很庆幸,这不仅是有史以来最轻松的一次怀孕和分娩,而且他也是有史以来最棒的宝宝。 他特别讨人喜欢。 他总是开心地笑着。 他愿意被人摆布,愿意参加疯狂的冒险。 他从不哭闹,有一种觉醒的力量,我母亲说这让她想起了我年轻的时候。 此外,我们在同龄人中长得真的很像。

我必须承认,头 7 个月比预想的要有趣得多。 我迫不及待地想知道我们将要一起经历的所有冒险!

我的 2020 年回顾中,我阐述了雷夫斯托克如何牵动我的心弦,如何成为冬季和夏季山地运动的绝佳圣地。 我并没有立即将这一设想付诸行动的计划,尤其是加拿大边境已于 2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 9 月关闭。 当年,我偶然发现了一栋房子,我觉得它符合我个人的现代审美观。 我曾憧憬着边境重新开放后去那里看看。 不过,我听说业主收到了一份报价,他们打算接受。 我匆忙组织了一次 Facetime 访问,并最终买下了房子。 我在 6 月关闭了该馆,终于在 9 月边境重新开放时得以参观。 我承认我很担心,因为房地产的照片往往比实物好看。 然而,我却大吃一惊。 这栋房子比我想象中的更漂亮、更宏伟,我对买下它感到非常高兴。 我们匆忙装修了一下,就能在今年的最后一周来滑雪一周,在白雪环绕中迎接新年。

除此之外,我们的生活又恢复了原样,我们学会了如何应对 COVID 时代给旅行带来的不便。 我发现了哥斯达黎加的诺萨拉。 我去瑞士的克朗斯-蒙塔纳看望父亲。 我在巴哈马续签了美国签证。 我去了福门特拉岛的一个素食主义者疗养地。 暑假期间,我游览了杰克逊霍尔。 今年七月,我带弗朗索瓦去尼斯与家人会面。 离开近两年后,能再回来真是太好了。

除了旅行,我还实施了在纽约和特克斯和凯科斯群岛之间轮流居住的计划。 纽约重新焕发生机,再次成为知识、社交、职业和艺术的天堂。 我甚至重新开始举办个人知识沙龙。


2020 年,我举办了一次家庭圣诞团聚,重新点燃了祖母弗朗索瓦丝的家族传统。 27 位亲朋好友前来参加,我们度过了人生中最美好的时光。 今年,我们共有 43 人参加,涵盖了从 7 个月大到 85 岁的三代格林达家族! 所有的欢乐和笑声温暖了我的心,我打算在今后的岁月里继续保持这一传统。

我很难过我的母亲因为医疗原因不能和我们在一起,所以我带着她的弗朗索瓦,在圣诞节前一周去看她,确保她知道我们想她、爱她、想念她。 我真希望她明年能来!

在职业上,2021 年异常繁忙。 我们完成了 FJ Labs III 的首次关闭,并开始部署新基金的资金。 我们与我的前 OLX 联合创始人 Alec Oxenford 合作成立了 SPAC,并与 Greentrail Capital 合作成立了另一个 SPAC。 我们帮助创办了 5 家初创企业。 我们还发现自己花在加密货币上的时间越来越多。

总体而言,FJ 实验室继续保持着强劲的发展势头。 2021 年是我们有史以来产量最高的一年。 团队发展到 31 人,两名长期员工成为合伙人。 我们部署了 9,900 万美元。 我们进行了 281 项投资,其中 180 项为首次投资,101 项为后续投资。 我们有 41 次退出,其中 24 次成功,包括 Coupang 在纽约证券交易所的首次公开募股、Infracommerce 在巴西 B3 交易所的首次公开募股、Uber 收购 Drizly、Affirm 收购 Returnly 以及 hims & hers 收购 Apostrophe!

自从我和何塞 23 年前开始天使投资以来,我们投资了 835 家公司,有 259 家公司退出(包括部分退出),目前有 614 家公司在积极投资。 我们实现了 45% 的内部收益率和 4.4 倍的平均回报率。 我们总共投入了 4.3 亿美元,其中 1.48 亿美元由何塞和我提供。

我的工作太忙了,没有时间像我希望的那样写作。 我写得最好的文章是

同样,我也没有足够的时间参与我的直播节目《玩转独角兽》,但我喜欢思考加密世界正在发生的事情以及未来十年的技术趋势。 我还与我的朋友克里斯蒂安-安格迈尔(Christian Angermayer)进行了一次引人入胜的对话,我们讨论了一切问题:生命的意义、幸福、灵性、长寿、加密货币、迷幻药等等。


我还读了两本关于父爱的非常有趣的书:迈克尔-刘易斯(Michael Lewis)写的《家庭游戏》(Home Game)和吉姆-加菲根(Jim Gaffigan)写的《爸爸很胖》(Dad is Fat),后者我是通过有声读物收听的。

去年,我曾担心,负实际利率和激进的扩张性财政政策虽然是避免经济灾难所必需的,但却在助长各类资产的泡沫。 2020 年,这种情况在 SPAC 和公开市场上最为明显。 由于加息预期导致倍数压缩,这种情况正开始得到纠正。 2021 年,SPAC 泡沫破灭,纳斯达克 40% 的股票从 52 周高点下跌了 50% 以上。 不过,我仍然看到后期科技投资中存在大量泡沫,艺术品 NFT 中的泡沫也已全面爆发。

2021 年,随着经济开始蓬勃发展,通货膨胀开始抬头,我担心决策者没有胆量提高利率,导致 20 世纪 70 年代的情况重演,特别是有些人呼吁进行价格控制,这既破坏经济,又没有效果。 在某种程度上,这些担忧已经减轻。 我更希望我们能够在控制通胀的同时保持低失业率,因为 12 月份的失业率达到了 3.9%,接近 2020 年 2 月达到的 50 年最低点 3.5%。

这并不是说我们一定会软着陆。 必须解决积累的巨额公共债务问题。 从近期来看,历史最低利率使得创纪录的债务水平变得可以承受。 然而,巨大的债务负担需要精细的宏观经济管理,以避免大规模的金融危机。 政府和公众的注意力有点像索伦之眼:一次只能关注一件事。 在很长一段时间里,它是特朗普,然后变成了 COVID,最近又出现了通货膨胀和供应链中断。 在某些时候,重点将转向管理公共债务。 我们如何应对它,可能将为未来几十年的宏观经济状况(无论好坏)奠定基础。 正如我在《欢迎来到 “万物泡沫”》一书中提到的,有很多办法可以摆脱公共债务危机。 美国在二战后曾有过有效管理的先例,但也可能出现更糟的情况。

值得一提的是,虽然重点是经济政策,但我们也无法避免地缘政治风险及其经济后果。 中国在台湾问题上或俄罗斯在乌克兰问题上发生事故的可能性虽然很低,但仍然存在。

加密货币也可能受到冲击。 最近加密货币价格的回调表明,加密货币与其他投机性资产类别仍然高度相关,而且对美国利率非常敏感。 加密货币领域的每个人都期待着加密货币的冬天。 这已经成为共识,以至于我这个逆向思维的人怀疑这可能不会发生。 然而,很可能存在内生冲击(Tether 的崩溃? 艺术 NFT 泡沫的破灭?)或外生冲击(总体宏观冲击? 美国对稳定币的反作用监管?)

随着美国人从订购服务转向购买实物商品,尤其是在基础设施投资不足的情况下,我们仍然可以看到供应链中断的现象。 我曾希望 COVID 现在就能结束,但事与愿违。 然而,Omnicron 的传染性很强,但致命性较低,这加速了从大流行到地方病的转变。 我希望在 2022 年,我们能最终摆脱 COVID 的干扰,恢复到正常状态。 服务消费的增加将缓解供应链问题,有助于降低通货膨胀。 技术也可以发挥作用。 我们的投资组合公司之一 Flexport 的首席执行官 Ryan Peterson提出了许多补救建议

除此以外,随着 COVID 将我们的生活搬到网上,我们看到了前所未有的创新浪潮,在教育、医疗保健、公共服务和 B2B 等技术革命从未触及的领域终于取得了长足的进步。 令人惊叹的是,我们终于能够将技术的通货紧缩力量及其更好的用户体验应用到比以往更多的领域。 我更加坚信,我们将迎接21世纪的挑战,利用技术解决我们面临的三大问题:气候变化、机会不平等/社会不公以及身心健康危机。 同样令人惊叹的是,越来越多的人选择成为企业家和创造者,过上更有意义的生活。

我非常感谢这一年,我的儿子出生了,我经历了无数的冒险,我还参与了帮助创造一个更美好的未来世界。 我希望 2022 年会有更多非同寻常的冒险。 我期待着看到儿子在未来 12 个月里的成长。 我的新生活分布在雷夫斯托克、特克斯和纽约之间,夏天在尼斯住一个月,看看我对这种生活的看法也将很有趣。 2022 年,我在纽约的装修工作终于要结束了。 我很高兴能搬回来住!

我也很高兴能重返 “火人节”,并开始为 2023 年的南极越野滑雪探险进行训练。 我还希望我的小家庭今年能增加一名新成员。 2017 年,我失去了 Bagheera,这对我打击很大,以至于我无法设想再养一只狗。 然而,我觉得时机已到。 如果运气好的话,我期待着在 2022 年夏天迎来我生命中的白色德国牧羊犬 Angel。

我很荣幸能在个人和职业生涯中遇到这么多令人惊叹的机会。 2022 年,我需要更善于说 “不”,以便专注于真正重要的事情。

