Episode 29: The Latest Marketplace Trends

In episode 27, I took a stab at which categories investors and entrepreneurs should focus on for the coming 5 years. In today’s episode, I wanted to cover the themes and trends that emerged in the last 12 months.

Ten trends clearly emerged as we saw them time and time again with a plethora of competitors in every geography. There was no unifying theme across all of them, but four of the trends cover startups that help SMBs and micro-entrepreneurs run their businesses better allowing their owners to focus on what they do best.

For your reference I am including the slides I used during this episode.


B2B FMCG Marketplaces

These marketplaces help bodegas and corner stores automate their operations and improve their sourcing, allowing the store owners to focus on what they do best. This falls squarely in FJ Labs’ thesis covered in episode 4 on B2B marketplaces and the future of work.

There are 50 million independent corner stores worldwide and a slew of marketplaces are helping them obtain better supply, better payment and delivery terms. We saw this emerge first in emerging markets with the likes of Jabu in Namibia, Alerzo in Nigeria and Chiper in Columbia and Mexico, but we are now seeing it in developed markets as well with companies like Vori in the US and Magaloop in Germany.


Superfast Ecommerce

The Internet has always been about better, cheaper, faster, and this trend is best illustrated by the emergence of 15-minute grocery delivery. These online grocers use hundreds of dark stores with typically 3,000 SKUs to be able to deliver in sub-15 minutes in major cities. This was first popularized by Getir in Turkey and Samokat in Russia but is now emerging everywhere.

After the food delivery, ride sharing and scooter wars, this is the new capital war with dozens of well capitalized players going after the space. New York has nearly 10 players jousting for dominance which makes it an amazing time to be a consumer. The user experience is delightful. I receive my orders on average in 8 minutes.

The economics of the business work at scale, however with so many players it’s going to be a bloodbath. We are already seeing consolidation with the shutting down of Fifteen Twenty and rumours of other players up for sale. That said, in the end a $100 billion player will likely emerge from the category.


Amazon 3P Seller Rollups

Amazon marketplace is huge with $300 billion in GMV in 2020 growing 50% per year and there are over 200,000 Amazon sellers earning over $500k per year. Thrasio took the category by storm. It started buying and rolling up independent 3rd party Amazon sellers at low EBITDA multiples (around 3x EBITDA) and bringing their marketing, operational and purchasing efficiencies to bear to improve their scale and profitability. They reached unicorn status in less than 2 years post their seed.

Since then, many others have replicated the model across many geographies and verticals.


Creator/Passion Economy

More and more people are realizing that they can monetize their passion with a small following of true fans. The category came of age with Twitch (video games), Patreon (artists), Cameo (birthday wishes) and Only Fans (porn). However, tools are now being created to help creators in every possible vertical: podcasting, audio content creation, newsletter writers, video course creators, virtual teaching and tutoring, and virtual coaches in every category, helping countless make a living pursuing their passion. There are so many players I did not list them here, but refer to slide 9 of my deck.

In addition, geographic specific equivalents are emerging of all these companies, and many are now harnessing Web3 for the creator economy.


SaaS-Enabled Marketplaces for SMBs

A vertical version of Shopify is seemingly emerging in every vertical to help store owners with their back office, point of sale, marketing, procurements etc. They typically monetize through a combination of payments and new demand brought by their marketplace.

Many companies have already scaled with this strategy reaching hundreds of millions of GMV or more such as Slice in the pizzeria space, Fresha for hairdressers, and Jobox for locksmiths.


Used Car Marketplaces

The pandemic and the supply shortage profoundly increased the willingness of consumers to purchase cars online. This primarily benefited Carvana in the US which saw its market share explode. As the stock multiplied by 15 since IPO, entrepreneurs and VCs everywhere tried to replicate that success with a few emerging leaders such as Cazoo in the UK, Kavak in Mexico, Clutch in Canada, and Spinny in India.

Online B2B car marketplaces also benefited with massive growth at ACV Auctions in the US and CarOnSale in Germany.


Accounting Software for Emerging Market Micro-SMBs

These startups help SMB founders to run their businesses from their cell phones offering free accounting and invoicing. This was pioneered by Khatabook in India which now has over 10 million monthly active merchants and $24 billion in monthly payment volumes. This was replicated in many other countries with companies like Treinta and BukuWarung also reaching meaningful scale.

Right now, none of them are monetizing, but you can imagine potential monetization though payments, factoring, insurance, catalogue and more.


Live Commerce Beyond China

In China, live video shopping makes up 20% of ecommerce with its unique blend of entertainment and shopping, mostly on the incumbent leading ecommerce platforms. Penetration is much lower in the West, but we are seeing a slew of companies attacking the space especially in three verticals: collectibles (Popshop Live, Whatnot, NTWRK), Make-up (Supergreat, Newness), and Fashion (The Lobby). It will be interesting to see if buying habits converge or if live video shopping remains a small percentage of commerce in the West.


Defi & NFTs

As I covered in episode 28, What’s the deal with crypto?, decentralized finance and NFTs both exploded in 2021 with tens of billions of dollars’ worth of transactions. Watch that episode for more details.

I am looking forward to observing the trends that emerge over the next 12 months!

If you prefer, you can listen to the episode in the embedded podcast player:

In addition to the above Youtube video and embedded podcast player, you can also listen to the podcast on:

My conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators

I had a fantastic and far ranging conversation with Ted Seides on Capital Allocators about my path to entrepreneurship and investing, my love of marketplaces and all things FJ Labs.

Their Episode Description:

My guest, on the 4th episode of Venture is Eating the Investment World, is Fabrice Grinda, entrepreneur, angel investor, and founder of FJ Labs, a venture capital firm that backs a diversified portfolio of startups in marketplace businesses. The firm takes a founder-friendly, non-institutional approach, employing heuristics to formulate quick decisions.

Our conversation covers Fabrice’s path as a serial entrepreneur and lessons learned building and investing in marketplaces. We discuss FJ Lab’s unique investment process focused on four investment heuristics and expeditious decision making. We then turn to its position in the venture ecosystem and investable themes in the coming years.

You can listen to the episode in the embedded podcast player:

In addition to the above embedded podcast player, you can also listen to the podcast on:


世界仍然深陷持續大流行的個人和經濟代價中,但隨著我兒子弗朗索瓦·奧利維爾·讓-保羅·格林達 (François Olivier Jean-Paul Grinda) 於 2021 年 5 月 18 日的出生,我的生活達到了一個新的頂峰。 我很幸運,這不僅是有史以來最容易懷孕和分娩的,而且他也是有史以來最神奇的嬰兒。 他非常和藹可親。 他總是很開心,笑容滿面。 他願意被人為對待並進行瘋狂的冒險。 他從不哭泣,有一種覺醒的強度,我媽媽說這讓她想起了我小時候的我。 最重要的是,我們在同齡人中看起來真的很相似。

我必須承認,前 7 個月比預期的要有趣得多。 我迫不及待地想一起進行所有的冒險!

在我的 2020 年回顧中,我解釋了雷夫爾斯托克如何牽動我的心弦,並將成為冬季和夏季山地運動的驚人聖地。 我沒有立即將這一願景付諸行動的計劃,尤其是在加拿大邊境於 2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 9 月關閉的情況下。 當年,我偶然發現了一棟房子,我覺得這與我個人的當代審美相符。 我曾設想在邊境重新開放時訪問它。 然而,我聽說業主收到了他們將要接受的報價。 我匆匆組織了一次 Facetime 訪問並結束了購買房子。 我在 6 月關閉,終於能夠在 9 月邊境重新開放時訪問它。 我承認我很擔心,因為房地產在照片中往往比在照片中看起來更好。 然而,我被震撼了。 房子比我想像的更漂亮、更宏偉,我對購買感到非常高興。 我們匆匆佈置了它,能夠在一年中的最後一周來滑雪一周,並在白雪皚皚的包圍下迎接新的一年。

除此之外,隨著我們學會應對 COVID 時期旅行的不便,生活恢復了正常。 我在哥斯大黎加發現了諾薩拉。 我去瑞士克萊恩-蒙塔納看望我的父親。 我在巴哈馬續簽了美國簽證。 我去了福門特拉島的一個素食主義者,基本上是離網的。 我在夏天探索了傑克遜霍爾。 七月,我帶法蘭索瓦去尼斯見了家人。 離開將近兩年後回去真是太好了。

除了旅行之外,我還實施了在紐約和特克斯和凱科斯群島之間交替生活的計劃。 紐約重新煥發生機,再次成為智力、社會、專業和藝術刺激的避風港。 我甚至重新開始舉辦我的面對面知識沙龍。


2020 年,我舉辦了一次家庭聖誕聚會,重新點燃了我祖母弗朗索瓦絲的家庭傳統。 27 位朋友和家人來參加,我們度過了一生的時光。 今年,我們 43 人涵蓋了從 7 個月大到 85 歲的三代 Grindas! 所有的歡樂和笑聲溫暖了我的心,我打算在未來幾年繼續這個傳統。

我很難過,我的母親因為醫療原因不能和我們在一起,所以我帶著她法蘭索瓦,在耶誕節前一周去看她,以確保她知道我們想念她,愛她,想念她。 我真的希望她明年能成功!

從專業上講,2021年格外忙碌。 我們完成了FJ Labs III的第一次關閉,並開始從新基金中部署資金。 我們與我的前OLX聯合創始人Alec Oxenford合作了一家SPAC,並與Greentrail Capital合作了另一家SPAC。 我們幫助創辦了5家初創公司。 我們還發現自己在加密貨幣上花費的時間越來越多。

總體而言,FJ Labs繼續搖擺不定。 2021 年是我們有史以來最多產的一年。 團隊發展到31人,我們的兩名長期員工成為合作夥伴。 我們部署了9 900萬美元。 我們進行了 281 項投資、180 項首次投資和 101 項後續投資。 我們有 41 次退出,其中 24 次成功,包括 Coupang 在紐約證券交易所的首次公開募股、Infracommerce 在巴西 B3 交易所的首次公開募股、Uber 收購 Drizly、Affirm 收購 Returnly 和 Apostrophe!作者:Hims & Hers。

自從Jose和我23年前開始天使投資以來,我們投資了835家獨特的公司,有259家退出(包括部分退出),目前有614家活躍的獨特公司投資。 我們實現了 45% 的內部收益率和 4.4 倍的平均倍數。 我們總共部署了43000萬美元,其中14800萬美元由Jose和我提供。

我的職業太忙了,以至於我沒有時間寫我想寫的東西。 我最好的文章是:

同樣,我沒有足夠的時間專注於我的直播節目 《與獨角獸一起玩》,但我喜歡反思 加密世界正在發生的事情 以及 未來十年的技術趨勢。 我還 與我的朋友克利斯蒂安·安格邁爾(Christian Angermayer )進行了一次有趣的對話,我們涵蓋了一切:生命的意義、幸福、靈性、長壽、加密、迷幻藥等等。


我還讀了兩本非常有趣的關於父親的書:邁克爾·路易斯(Michael Lewis)的 《家庭遊戲》(Home Game )和吉姆·加菲根(Jim Gaffigan)的 《爸爸是胖子》(Dad is Fat ),後者是我在Audible上聽的。

去年,我擔心負實際利率和激進的擴張性財政政策,雖然是避免經濟災難的必要條件,但正在助長所有資產類別的泡沫。 2020年,它在SPAC和公開市場上最為明顯。 隨著加息預期導致倍數壓縮,這種情況開始得到糾正。 SPAC泡沫在2021年破滅,納斯達克40%的股票從52周高點下跌了50%+。 然而,我仍然看到後期科技投資的泡沫和藝術NFT的全面泡沫。

2021年,隨著經濟開始蓬勃發展,通貨膨脹開始起飛,我擔心政策制定者不會有勇氣加息,導致 1970 年代的重演,尤其是當一些人呼籲進行價格控制時,這既對經濟有害又無效。 在某種程度上,這些擔憂已經減弱。 我更希望我們能夠在控制通脹的同時保持低失業率,因為12月失業率達到3.9%,接近2020年2月達到的3.5%的50年低點。

這並不是說我們一定會軟著陸。 必須處理累積的超高公共債務。 在短期內,歷史性的低利率使創紀錄的債務水準變得可控。 然而,巨額債務積壓將需要微妙的宏觀經濟管理,以避免大規模金融危機。 政府和公眾的注意力有點像索倫之眼:它可以一次專注於一件事。 在很長一段時間里,是特朗普,然後是新冠病毒,最近還出現了通貨膨脹和供應鏈中斷。 在某個時候,重點將轉向管理公共債務。 我們如何應對它可能會為未來幾十年的宏觀經濟狀況奠定基礎,無論好壞。 正如我在 《歡迎來到一切泡沫》一書中提到的,有很多方法可以擺脫公共債務危機。 像美國在二戰後所做的那樣,有有效管理它的先例,但也可能有更糟糕的替代方案。

值得一提的是,雖然重點是經濟政策,但我們並沒有受到地緣政治風險及其經濟後果的庇護。 中國在台灣問題上發生事故,或者俄羅斯在烏克蘭問題上發生事故,雖然可能性很低,但仍有可能。

加密貨幣也可能受到衝擊。 最近加密貨幣價格的回調表明,加密貨幣仍與其他投機資產類別高度相關,並且對美國利率敏感。 加密貨幣領域的每個人都期待加密貨幣的冬天。 這已經成為共識,以至於我內心的逆向者懷疑它可能不會發生。 然而,很可能存在內生性衝擊(Tether 的崩潰?打破藝術 NFT 泡沫?或外生衝擊(一般宏觀衝擊?美國對穩定幣的適得其反的監管?)。

我們仍然看到供應鏈中斷,因為美國人已經從訂購服務轉向以前所未有的水平購買實物商品,尤其是在對我們的基礎設施投資不足的情況下。 我曾希望 COVID 現在會結束,但事實並非如此。 然而,Omnicron 的傳染性如此之強,但致命性卻不那麼強,正在加速從大流行到地方病的過渡。 我希望在 2022 年,我們最終可以將 COVID 的干擾拋在腦後,恢復到正常狀態。 服務消費的增加將緩解供應鏈問題,並有助於降低通貨膨脹。 技術也可以發揮作用。 我們的投資組合公司之一 Flexport 的首席執行官 Ryan Peterson 特別 提出了許多糾正這種情況的建議

除此之外,隨著 COVID 將我們的生活轉移到網上,我們看到了前所未有的創新浪潮,這些類別迄今為止從未受到技術革命的影響,教育、醫療保健、公共服務和 B2B 領域終於取得了長足的進步。 令人驚訝的是,我們終於能夠將技術的通貨緊縮力量及其更好的用戶體驗帶到比以往任何時候都更多的類別中。 我更加相信,我們將迎接21世紀的挑戰 ,並利用技術來解決我們面臨的三個主要問題:氣候變化、機會不平等/社會不公正以及身心健康危機。 看到越來越多的人選擇成為企業家和創造者,過上更有目的的生活,也令人驚訝。

我非常感謝這一年,隨著我兒子的出生,無數的冒險,並參與幫助創造一個更美好的明天的世界。 我希望 2022 年會帶來更多非凡的冒險。 我期待著看到我的兒子在接下來的12個月裡成長。 看看我對我在雷夫爾斯托克、土耳其人和紐約之間的新分散式生活的看法也會很有趣,夏天在尼斯呆了一個月。 2022 年應該最終標誌著我在紐約的裝修結束。 我很高興能搬回去!

我也很高興能回到火人節,開始為2023年的南極越野滑雪冒險訓練。 我也希望我的小家庭今年能增加一個新成員。 2017 年失去 Bagheera 讓我感到非常沮喪,以至於我無法想像再養一隻狗。 但是,我覺得時機已經到來。 運氣好的話,我期待著在 2022 年夏天歡迎我生命中的一隻白色德國牧羊犬 Angel。

我很榮幸在個人和專業上獲得如此多的絕佳機會。 在 2022 年,我需要更好地說“不”,專注於真正重要的事情。

